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Reaching the end of the stairs I hear everyone in the kitchen. Walking in I felt like I was walking into the lions den. It had been over 10 years since I've seen everyone and I honestly don't know how they will react to me.

Stepping through the door everyone's eyes locked on to me. "Hey?" I asked awkwardly. Vanya gave me a small smile and wave. Diego came and gave me a hug while Luther just stood there next to Allison. Klaus wouldn't look me in the eyes and Ben and five were gone. I sigh and fall into the hug enjoying the comfort. 

Finally letting go i sit at the table for a second before Pogo asks if we are ready to begin. Nodding and standing we follow him outside and stood in a circle around his ashes. Luther uncorked the lid and poured the contents to the floor. "I think that would have worked better with wind..." He said making me roll my eyes.

 "Anyone want to say a few words?" Pogo asked.

 " yeah I do! " Diego said and started going on about how horrible dad was. Luther (being dad's favorite) wouldn't hear any of it. Telling Diego to shut up they eventually start fistfighting. 

Almost breaking Ben's statue they finally stop. Still arguing and close to tears they turn about to go in separate directions when all of a sudden a blue light engulfed the world. Blocking my eyes from the bright light, I try to see what was making it but all I could see was a old man in the center. Klaus, being the genius he is, threw a fire extinguisher at the light. It did nothing. 

Finally the old man came closer and closer until he was almost out. When he did come out of wasn't the old man, but a 13 year old 5. 

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