Chapter 1

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Eddy grew up inside Eden's Garden, which he was named after, all of his life. He had never left the walls of the garden, but he had seen pictures of it on postcards he had found in the attic. Mother would always tell him that those pictures were staged and that the outside world was harsh and was no place for his kind. Mother said that Eddy was her greatest accomplishment out of all of the faunra she had created and that he was a miracle, out of ten babies he was the one that lived. Despite Mother’s warnings he was still curious about the outside world. There had to be some truth to the postcards he had found in the attic. It was the eve before his sixteenth birthday when he found the courage to ask Mother if they could go outside. He woke up jittery for the day and jumped of his flower bed. It sometimes hurt to get out of bed because he would sometimes grow roots in the middle of the night, but he couldn't care less about the tiny pins he felt where the roots were for  he was to excited for the day. He picked up his watering can and watered his nice messy head of grass which had started to grow daisies; fitting for the spring. After his daily watering he put on his favorite brown t-shirt, his brown shorts, and his nice jacket that had a brown collar but was blue every where else. Once Eddy was dressed he ran downstairs and to the living room to talk with Mother. Mother was reclining in her single person couch while reading a Harry Potter book. She had known Eddy was there, but assumed that he was just going to go to the green house, he usually went there to explore, they only talked when it was necessary. Eddy spoke up because it was obvious that Mother was not going to initiate conversation. “Mother, may I ask you a big favor.” Mother seemed surprised that Eddy was talking to her. "That depends Eddy, what is the favor.” She asked quizzically. “I was wondering what you would think about going for a walk outside.” Eddy was unbelievably nervous for Mother's verdict. Mother sighed tiredly “Eddy we've talked about this you can't go outside, you'll die out there, besides it's not that different from the greenhouse. How about we go for a walk in there? We can look a the chameleons again if you want.” Eddy wasn't going to take no for an answer. “But Mother,” He whined “I've seen all I can see inside of the greenhouse. I want to see normal fauna like a deer o-or a bunny. How bad can the outside be? I've seen normal fauna and flora survive out there. Why am I any different than them?” Eddy hadn't meant to raise his voice, but it just came out that way. Mother had gotten up from her chair. When Eddy looked up he could see the horrid expression Mother's face was twisted in, she looked as if she was holding fire in her mouth. Mother calmed down despite her persona earlier she seemed to compose herself for a second before speaking. “Eddy, you know I only want what’s best for you right?” she said sweetly. “I guess, bu-” she cut me off before I could continue. “Then you would understand if I'm upset that you go against my better judgment every single time i try to keep you safe,” Eddy was silent while Mother continued talking. “you are my greatest achievement, I created you, and I am the only one that knows what is good for you. You’re still fifteen you still don't know what you want. You still can't even choose your favorite faunra. You simply aren't ready for the outside.” After Mother stopped talking she walked up to Eddy to pull him into a hug. “Tomorrow I’ll be sixteen.” Eddy muttered under his breath so no one but him could hear. Mother whispered to Eddy “You know you're my little miracle right?” Eddy nodded yes back. She slowly let go of the hug and went back to her chair. Eddy left out of the back door to do his chores in the greenhouse.

Eddy slowly walked up the steps to his room upstairs, he had had a long day of taking care of the faunra. It's what he did every day, take care of the faunra like he took care of himself. He was so frustrated and sad that he wasn't allowed outside he had been waiting for years to see the outside and he thought all of the waiting would be worth it one day. His mother always claimed that he wasn't ready for the outside. He was starting to think that he would never get to see the outside. He would never get to see Miami, or Oregon ever. Eddy wasn't going to put up with this, he wouldn't let Mother tell him where he could and could not go, he was determined to be his own person. If he were to die outside it would be better than staying inside Eden's Garden for the rest of his life. He would escape tomorrow night no matter what.

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