Chapter 3

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I woke up at five am as usual and got out of bed to take a shower which usually makes me feel less tired. When I got out of my shower I combed through my long white hair that completely covers my eyes. I get teased for my hair sometimes, but it's better then getting made fun of for being albino. You’d think in this day and age it wouldn’t happen, but you’d be surprised how some people get theirs fits and giggles. I went downstairs to eat some yogurt for breakfast since I'm too lazy to actually make breakfast. Then I walk back upstairs and get dressed in some decent clothing. I wore an off the shoulder white shirt that said ow on it. The shirt was so long it made my white shorts look somehow shorter which I guess is aesthetic or something. My older sister usually picks out my wardrobe because I apparently “don't  know how to dress myself" her words not mine. I fell onto my small grey couch and just listened to scary stories. My room was mainly pink and white colors because it matches what I’m like, and again my sister helped me design my room, I like it fine, but I kind of want more plants in it. Apparently I woke my dog up because she was clawing at my door asking me to let her outside but I'm still not awake enough to walk her. I'm just going to take her into the backyard. I opened my door to a whining St. Bernard dog, we call her Missy because she acts like a very authoritative businesswoman. “Come on Missy. Let's get you outside.” I said hoarsely. I walked down the stairs with Missy trotting behind me. We walked through the living room to the back doors that lead to the backyard. Our families house is very modern in the layout but from the outside it looks like a rinky dink suburban home. I slid open the glass doors to our very well manicured back yard. I followed her outside because I actually like the smell of fresh air. I look around the backyard for any new plants that maybe snuck through the fence. In the corner of the backyard in the tulip garden Missy was sniffing a green mound with clothing on top of it. I walked over to the strange green mound and noticed that it looked human. When I looked for a couple more seconds I got more freaked out because it looked like a green hobo was sleeping in my backyard. Is his green skin a new disease? Is this an alien? Is this thing dangerous? I decided the only way to find out was to wake him up, I grabbed a nearby stick and gently poked the thing. It woke up after a couple pokes. “ughhhh, Mother?” he groaned. “What are you?” I said pointing the stick threateningly at him. How was Missy just cool with a mysterious homeless green thing in our backyard, she's supposed to protect us! “Agh!” he yelped. When he was getting up I heard ripping and when he was sitting up I could see roots growing from his face. “What the fuck.” I mumbled. I also noticed he had daisies in his hair, and his hair looked like grass. I shook my head, I must be losing my mind it's probably just beard hair, and a really good dye job. “I'll ask again, who are you?” I asked menacingly. “I'm E-Eddy. I'm sorry I had to sleep for the night, and this was the best place to hide.” He said scared. “Well Eddy why are you green, and what were you hiding from?” I really hope he just has a rare skin condition. “I'm green because chlorophyll in the plant parts of my cells reflects green light, and I’m hiding from Mother, she raised me and wouldn't let me leave the estate, but I finally escaped last night with my sister Hyacinth.” He said the last part while pointing to a small sprout in a clay pot that I hadn't noticed before. “Wait so let me get this straight,” I took in a deep breath to think straight. “the reason you were sleeping in my backyard… is because your mother never allowed you to go outside and you finally escaped so you hid in my backyard so she wouldn't find you. Oh! And I almost forgot you’re a plant and your ‘sister’ is in that pot!” I hope I heard that plant part wrong. “Actually,” oh so I was wrong. “I'm a half plant half human called a faunra, just like Hyacinth.” This can't be happening. I ran my hands through my hair walked over to the tree next to me, backed up against it and let out a loud sigh as I slowly slid down the tree. “Why me!” I said through my hands. This is not happening I’m having a normal day and I just passed out on my couch probably.

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