Chapter 1 | The Woods

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Charlie and Ruby loved exploring in the woods. They lived in a small cottage with their dad. It was the early hours of a beautiful Saturday morning. Ruby bounced down the hallway to Charlie's room.

"Charlie, Charlie! Wake up, we can go back to the woods again!" She whispered.

Charlie rolled over. "Ugh," he groaned. He pushed back the covers, slipped on his slippers and walked out of his room with Ruby close behind. ---

Running into the woods they stopped.

"Which way?" Asked Charlie.

"Ummmm, I don't know... Maybe, left?" Answered Ruby.

"Ok sure, it looks like there's a cave of trees over there, that looks interesting." So they ran, side by side straight towards the big huddle of trees. But then they stopped, dead in their tracks.

"Is it just me or, or is t-that a b-b-blue rose" inquired Charlie.

"Umm..." Replied Ruby.

" I-I-I th-think i-it m-m-might be." Charlie stammered.

"Should I touch it?" Ruby said a little more bravely. But before Charlie could say no, Ruby had already started walking towards it. She walked as close as she dared then reached out with her index finger and ever so slightly touched it. All of a sudden small ice particles started to rise up into the air expanding towards Charlie. He backed away.

"Ruby...where are you?" He shouted his body frozen with fear. But it was no use. It had already got him.

Hope your enjoying the story so far! Please comment and I would love some feedback! Thanks!

     - Toffee-Carratō

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