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-Third person-

It had been a few hours since the woman had fallen asleep, Russia had left to go to a nearby store, considering America had no idea where to go, he sat on the end part of the couch with (Y/N) taking up the rest of it, he was on his phone, messaging some of the other countries. America knew very little about this person but, Russia seemed to know them somehow, it had made him very curious, Japan had suspected a possible lover while Phillipines had thought she may have been a family friend, the others hadn't really given an opinion and America? Well...he looked to her again, watching her chest rise and fall, watching how her hair moved every time her body did, how her lips looked, a beautiful natural red, he even remembered her eyes, how they shone, her soft skin, like it was made of silk, he wanted to just press his lips against hers-- he shook his head feeling his cheeks flush a bit, he hoped she was just a friend to Russia, he looked back down at his phone, seeing a new message appear, from Japan, 'is she cute?' the man looked towards the sleeping woman again, before typing a message quickly, 'absolutely adorable.' America turned his phone off with a sigh, closing his eyes, feeling himself drift to sleep.




Russia unlocked the front door, gently pushing it open, a bag of groceries in one hand, he walked into the house, about to call out to America before he remembered the sleeping woman on the couch, he looked towards the couch, blinking slightly as he saw that America also seemed to be asleep, noticing the mans sunglasses half fallen down his face. The Russian shook his head, walking to the kitchen and starting to unpack the groceries, placing each item where it needed to be, America had insisted they should make something more..American per say, he pulled out a packet of hamburger patties, shaking his head and chuckling. Once he had unpacked everything, the man heard some movement from the living room, he walked to the doorway of the kitchen, watching the woman who had been asleep for the last few hours reaching over America to grab his phone, she looked half asleep, he raised an eyebrow before speaking, "Что делаешь?" ((what are you doing?)) this made the woman jolt and fall into the lap of America, waking up the man who squeaked loudly, he looked around confused then down at the woman in his lap, his face flushed and he stood making (Y/N) almost drop to the ground if it weren't for her still being wrapped up in the blanket, she kinda just hung above the ground, blinking a bit. Russia just burst out in laughter at the situation, covering his mouth as he tried to hold back laughter, slightly crouching down, America just pushed his glasses back up, covering his mouth with his hand before walking upstairs, leaving his phone behind. (Y/N) pulled the tangled up blankets off themselves, allowing themselves to fall onto the ground, they sat up rubbing their head, they couldn't remember everything from what happened before, it was vague but it was there. The woman looked to the Russian man who had just stopped laughing, he stood properly, smiling at (Y/N), "Рад видеть тебя не спящим." (glad to see you awake.) They took a moment to understand what he said before kind of smiling themselves, nodding, they stood up, grabbing America's phone and checking the time before gently placing it down. Russia walked over, putting his hand out towards her, "Мы никогда не представились, я Россия, а вы?" (We never introduced ourselves, I am Russia, and you?) this didn't take the woman long to understand, introductions were one of the first things she was taught, she put her hand in the larger man's hand, he gripped her hand shaking it, though he seemed careful with her as if she could break any moment. "(имя), приятно познакомиться." ( (name), nice to meet you.) she spoke softly, Russia let go of her hand, watching her face form into a concentrated one as she tried to figure out how to say what she wanted, after a moment she spoke up again, "Где я?" (Where I am?) he chuckled quietly at her struggle with Russian, though, he was glad to have someone who could understand him, "Мой дом, Америка нашел тебя возле магазина." ( My home, America found you near the store.) the woman gave a look of confusion as he spoke, as she had never ever seen either of these two or anyone in the news about being called country names, especially in Russia itself. "Почему тебя зовут --" suddenly (Y/N) was cut off as the loud footsteps of someone came from upstairs, the two both looked to the noise, seeing America halfway down the stairs, huffing a bit, "d-don't tell me you both only speak Russian! It is already bad enough with Russia!" he whined. 

The woman smiled and shook her head, "No, I speak English by birth." America gasped, a big grin forming on his face. He jumped over the railing and ran at (Y/N), wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her off the ground into an embrace, the woman looked confused at this, looking to Russia who just chuckled shaking his head. "I'm so glad, another English speaker! You could even translate what Russia says, you are an angel!" she felt her cheeks slightly warm-up at the words that America had said. She laughed nervously, not being one much for social interaction, "aha- o-ok? I mean- I don't mind? I'm not very good at Russian-" America plopped her back down though he kept an arm around her, grinning still, "What? You are better than me and something is better than nothing if you get what I mean?" she laughed at his joke, covering her mouth a bit, she had never liked her laugh. America liked the way she had laughed, he already really adored her, the way she spoke, the kindness and awkwardness, gah! How was his heart meant to take it? He looked to Russia or where he thought the man would be, but, seeing him gone he removed his arm from around (Y/N), looking around curiously, "weird, where did he wander off to?" the woman also looked around, then shrugged a little, looking uncertain. America looked back down at the woman, admiring her appearance for a few moments, he had always been a bit of a hopeless romantic, he shouldn't assume things, plus, he needed to get to know 'er! Maybe they would be better off friends after all, "so, why were ya out in the cold?" he asked curiously, (Y/N) blinked rapidly, looking to the side, her mind filling with memories and could she explain?

-Your perspective-

You felt nerves claw at your stomach, how could you even explain this? What would he do? Would he turn you in? You barely knew him! How could you trust him? After a few moments of silence, you had come up with an excuse and spoke in a soft, nervous voice, "Oh...m-my boyfriend...he kicked me out of the house..." There! You'd done it! You hated lying, it hurt you so much, being an honest person was both a gift and a curse, you gripped the bottom of your hoodie, shrinking back a bit as America spoke up, though his voice felt kind like he was afraid of scaring you, "Jesus...that's awful, I'm so sorry...(Y/N), right?" You nodded quickly, trying to relax your body even if you found it hard to do so. He placed a hand on your head smiling reassuringly at you, "(Y/N) don't worry, that won't happen here, I know Russia won't mind having you here for as long as you need and if not, I can bring you back with me to America!" You felt a warmness at his sweet demeanor, you sighed in relief, the body finally fully relaxing. Americans certainly were hospitable, You would know, you were one after all.

 "Thank you, even if you don't have to..." the man ruffled your (h/c) locks a bit before removing his hand, still smiling at you, "anytime!" he said cheerfully, you decided it was a good time to ask about their names again. So, you gave a quizzical look before speaking softly, "by the way, why are you two named after countries?" he blinked at your question, eyebrows raised, "You don't know?" you shook your head, then hearing him mutter something along the lines of 'How secluded was she?' He cleared his throat looking back at you, "Well, miss, basically, me, Russia and many others are literal embodiment and leaders of countries, named directly after them, though, a lot of us have different names we go by from loved ones." you raised your eyebrows, you looked over America, you could definitely see it...was that why his breath smelt of cheeseburgers and fries? You blinked, putting a hand thoughtfully on your chin, thinking for a moment, "huh...weird..." how had you not heard about them? It's not like you hadn't seen the media, you knew most news, how would you not know this? Could in a different dimension? You felt shocked, it was the only logical answer you could truly think of, you took in a deep breath, calm yourself, you were fine, this was fine. You opened your eyes, seeing that America had gone, you blinked, swinging around to see if the man was there. To your luck and also not luck, he was. He quickly said "boo!!" making you yelp and stumble back, almost falling over, you could see America look surprised himself as you felt an arm under your back, you were lifted back up properly looking to your savior, smiling as you saw it had been Russia. He didn't smile but looked at America with a raised eyebrow, "You scared her?" he asked in that thick Russian accent, you blinked looking back to America, "Just..a lil, it was too tempting!" Russia simply let out a 'tsk' shaking his head briskly before looking back at you, "Не обращайте на него внимания, у него есть курица для мозга." (Do not pay attention to him, he has a chicken for the brain.) You giggled at his words, the American man quickly looking curious, "what? What did he say?" you just shrugged pretending you had no idea what he meant. Russia lightly placed a hand on your shoulder while America was pouting, "We set up room for her, да?" he asked, obviously directing the words towards America, he stopped pouting and quickly nodded, "Yeah, I'll do that, since I got to have a chat with 'er, you can now too!" he gave a punch to Russia's shoulder as he walked past, heading back upstairs. You looked behind you, up at Russia, what could you two even talk about?

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