Vital to me

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The German, American (who is technically also german) and Russian all chatted for quite some time casually, as Germany had mentally decided it was not appropriate to discuss his father with (Y/N) nearby. It was almost 3 pm before the three had finished interacting, they left the cafe and got a taxi together, as to avoid the expenses of getting two. Upon arriving at the hotel, Germany lightly placed a hand on the woman's shoulder and spoke, "We should meet again sometime, maybe not at ein cafe?" She raised an eyebrow at the question but nodded with a smile, "Ja, another day." (Y/N) replies still having her lip curled upwards.

Russia had already walked ahead so the German and American had to quickly catch up. While the two talked as they went throughout the hotel, while Russia simply stared at the floor a philosophical look resting upon his face. He looked as if he was completely engulfed in his own mind. Consumed in his thoughts. As Germany reached his own room his eyes moved back to the two, he raised an eyebrow at Russia's expression but shook his head and smiled fondly at the two, "I hope to see you soon, Russland and you too liebe (y/n). Maybe even meet your oma?" the woman nodded, a content look resting upon her face. She waved to him as he made his way back to his own room. Once he disappeared, she looked beside her, though, unexpectedly, Russia had vanished. (Y/N) glanced around rapidly, her eyes hastily landing upon the figure of the man she was searching for. He was already heading to the room. She sighed a bit and speedily caught up to him, walking by his side. What was his issue?

When the two of them reached the hotel door room, (Y/N) expected Russia to pull out his keycard and open the door but rather than doing that, he turned to the woman. He looked thoughtfully down at her, speaking moderately softly, "(ваше имя), я хотел бы поговорить о чем-то, но мы можем сделать это в моей комнате?" ((Y/N), I would like to talk about something, but can we do this in my room?) said woman was slightly in dismay. What could they have to talk about? Anxious thoughts plagued her mind. Could it be about what happened with America or with Germany? Had he figured out her lie?

Nevertheless, she followed Russia as he opened the door and walked inside, her mind was too troubled to notice a certain someone eyeing her as she was guided towards the Slavic's room. America gawked at the girl for probably a bit too long as Australia tapped his shoulder, giving a smirk at his brother. "What's your issue with 'er and Russia, huh?" he questioned out of pure curiosity. Sure, he had his own worries, but he trusted (Y/N) to make the right decisions. The Americans cheeks kind of flushed, "I don't know, he is my friend, but I can't help but about him when he is around (Y/N). He acts like..." he clenched his fists, "Like she already is all his." he muttered bitterly under his breath. He knew it was pure jealousy, but he couldn't help it! He truly had a crush on this woman and Russia was acting as if he was her partner, it made him want to watch the Slavic man burn in the depths of hell. A bit harsh but still. Australia arched a brow, then playfully punched his brother in the arm. "Gah-- what was that for?" the American grumbled, frowning. "Lighten up, you are sounding like some psychotic lover, ha!" the other man said jokingly. Though, America looked down at his fists, now slightly anxious. Did he really sound like that?







Said woman jolted, being thrown back into reality harshly."Yes-- That's me!" She spoke, looking at Russia who was standing across his room, staring at her with an inquisitive look upon his face. Still, he sat on the end of his bed, lightly tapping his hand on the spot beside him. "Come and sit." The Slavic country told (Y/N), he already knew full well what he wanted to ask but he was unsure how to express it. His English was lacking, and he didn't want the poor girl to have to constantly translate. That after all was not his goal, he could test her Russian skills at any time. (Y/N) made her way over to the bed, plopping herself next to the man, she twiddled her thumbs, still feeling anxious. It was probably nothing, yet she could not help her nerves, she did not want to talk about anything, honestly. She was exhausted beyond belief.

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