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((This chapter I used a doodle of the reader in their current outfit! I hope you enjoy and let me know if you'd like to see me draw more of the chapter images!!))

-Your perspective-

You were confused as you heard someone, glancing to where you had heard the noise, you see the head of what seems to be britain. What does he want me for? You looked at the drunken Australia who had passed out on his bed, he would be fine for the moment. You walked towards the couch where you could see the man sitting, he didn't look at you but, his book, which he seemed invested in. You stood beside the couch and watched him read for a moment before speaking, "what did you need, Britain?" you questioned and finally, he turned his head towards you. "What relation do you have to USSR?", oh, that's what he wanted? You tilted your head, how much was appropriate to tell him? What would Russia want him to know? It would be best to just say the basics, you knew it was tense between ussr and britain so he most likely would not be happy with the fact that you had saved the communist man. "well...I met him after I was talking with Russia about something, he got angry and then he turned into USSR...who, while a bit, uh, strange was pretty nice and he helped me out a few times especially that one time America had been leaning on me while he was sleeping in the car. Otherwise, I don't particularly know him well." The man did not seem pleased with your answer, his face changed to disgust and he glanced back down at his book, though, he seemed to be thinking about something. Had one of the others said something about their connection? You jolted a bit as he slammed his book closed, he did not look at you but his words were as if he could see straight through you, "No, you know him more than that. You have to have known him more, he doesn't 'nice' to anyone. The way he acted towards you and the way he held you in his arms, it was like you were some precious jewel, he was afraid he would lose you." what...? You shake your head, brushing off your confusion, "I don't know what you mean-" suddenly the man stood and you quickly shut your mouth, god, Britain was terrifying. His entire composure was that similar of someone you know he turned his body fully towards you with a scowl visible on the features of his face, you took a step away from him, a familiar feeling rising in your chest, Your skin was crawling. This felt mundane, like this scene had played out a million times over. "I do not enjoy liars." he seethed, of course, he expected everyone to tell him everything, he still considered himself quite powerful. You shake your head, now feeling as if you were going to vomit."No, you've got it all wrong..." yet he just took a stride towards you, his eyes blazed with anger. You took another step back, you knew this feeling now, fear. The thing that controlled many yet, it hadn't controlled you for most of your life, yet you felt powerless in this situation. What were you expected to do? Both you and Britain kept taking steps, as if the two of you were dancing. It seemed no matter what it was difficult to get some distance.Finally you hit the wall, the coldness of it seeped right through your jacket and hoodie, making you shiver. The tall man stood only an inch or two away from you, his eyes locked on your eyes, god, would he force it out of you? You opened your mouth to speak but Britain spoke first, "Do not continue to spout more lies. You disgust me. What lies have you told my sons? Are you trying to make them into communists? Answer me." You shuddered at his angry ranting, you hated this, you needed to go.You quickly tried to walk away from the man but he slammed his hand against the wall, his arm blocking your exit. Fuck. You didn't look at him. You couldn't, He started yelling at you but you couldn't hear his words, it was muffled. There was more sounds too, screaming, crying. Women and men yelling words that you could not understand. Your arms hurt so much, when you looked down at them all you could see was bruises and cuts. The noise kept getting louder and you covered your ears tightly and closed your eyes. You regretted this as images passed through your mind. Blood in the pure white snow. A prison. A very tall man. The concrete floor, dry blood everywhere. A child crying and screaming. You quickly opened your eyes and looked back at britain, he was still yelling yet, it was muffled. You hugged yourself as you stared at him. The noises made you feel like you were insane, maybe you were? A hand appeared on Britain's shoulder and he seemingly stopped yelling, glancing slowly behind him. You also looked and saw someone you did not expect, Russia. He said something to Britain who glanced back at you for a moment, causing you to flinch and look away. The noises from before slowly faded out as you heard Britain walk away and you relaxed a bit. What even was that...? You had never had a panic attack before, only ever seeing some friends have them when you were a teen. A hand placed itself on your right shoulder, making you glance at the hand then the person who had done so. Russia did not smile, quite the opposite, actually, he was frowning. He put his other hand onto your left shoulder and turned your body towards him, his eyes moved across your body then he looked back into your eyes again. You still were trembling, that must've looked bad. "Are you alright? Did he do anything to you?" His words confused you, sure, Britain had scared you but he hadn't done anything more. "Britain didn't..." you trailed off a bit as Russia's face contorted into a frustrated look, "what about USSR? what did he do to you while I was gone..?" You blinked. Ah, right. Your cheeks flushed a bit as you thought back to when he had kissed you, should you lie to him? "He uh...." you shrunk back a bit. Russia's look softened a bit and he rubbed your arms a bit, though, he did not speak nor let go of you. Might as well tell him the truth, you already lied enough. "He told me he wanted to return the favour of me saving you and kissed me, he also apparently carried me while I slept..Britain described the way he acted like looking after a precious gem." he gripped your shoulders tighter but you just looked at your feet. It was weird telling someone. Was it wrong the way he acted towards you? Russia suddenly pulls you into a tight embrace, your head resting against his chest. You breathed in deeply and you could And what you could only describe as the first winter's snow. You buried your face into his sweater, you felt like crap, you literally hadn't been given any time to think about anything properly. You had been basically thrown into what felt like some bizarre fever dream yet you could touch and feel, taste, smell, all your other senses were there. It felt real but also extremely unreal. You liked being able to interact with people and form relationships since you never seemed to be able to do that where you were before yet, this world didn't feel like yours but someone else's world. You clung to Russia as if he was a lifesaver in your little broken world. You trusted him, you wanted him to be kind and understand you. That's what he had done so far for you, he had been kind with your boundaries and that was something you enjoyed in a person. You glanced upwards at the man, he didn't look at you but you could see this look in his eyes, guilt, did he really feel that awful? You couldn't quite understand but guilt felt familiar and you felt empathy towards Russia, it hadn't really been his fault after all. "No need to look so guilty, Russia." you murmured in a soft voice, he looked down upon you, now looking shocked. "This is not your fault." You assured him, reaching up and lightly touching his cheek. He stared at you in pure shock for a moment before he suddenly pulled you off the ground and into a tighter embrace, arms slithered around your waist. You blinked rapidly, a little shocked but you rested your head onto his shoulder. "Thank you." He spoke emotionally into your ear, then, his body began to tremble and you heard him choke out some sobs. Shocked, was an understatement, you hadn't meant to make him cry! You were quick to comfort him, speaking comforting words and rubbing his back lightly hoping he would calm down. You close your eyes and allow him to sob, this seemed familiar, yet, everything seemed familiar currently...

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