1. when communication fails, everything follows

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Today I woke up 15 minutes earlier than my alarm. I turned it off not to bother my sleeping husband on his side of the bed. We have this unspoken rule that we both acknowledge; we don't want to be disturbed and we both value each of our personal space.
He slept very soundly. Watching him breathe, inhaling and exhaling air gently is somewhat therapeutic.

Having enough gawking at his sleeping figure, I went down stairs to prepare for breakfast. I grabbed the jar inside the sideboard containing our favorite coffee beans from the local produce market and poured a generous amount into our coffee maker. Waiting for it to be finished, I went through some of my files from work. I am working as a Psychiatrist for 4 years now. Currently, I am working on a rape case which I totally frown upon. I hate working on this kind of cases. I never had the much required backbone to fight violence but here I am working as a psychiatrist the irony of it, listening and giving advice to those poor victims.

After a few minutes the room was filled with the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Glancing at the time which says 7:00 am, I don't want to be late for work for the first day of the month .
I went to get the mugs when I accidentally slid one of them down the kitchen Island. I was prepared to hear a loud crash but to no avail. Nicolai was fast enough to catch the damn thing and I didn't even noticed him coming downstairs.

Damn those fingers, I know exactly where they belong. Right down my slick, wet pu--

"I didn't peg you to be the clumsy type." I heard Nicolai rasped, distracting me from my lewd thoughts. Sleep still evident on his eyes, his hands gently tousling his light brown hair, his sweatpants hanging oh so low- I can almost see his virile masculinity and don't fucking make me start on that abs. He walked towards me and stopped inches away from me.

"Nic, I'm not in the mood for your fucking ga-" I managed to utter in a breathy voice. He was swift to put his left index finger on my lips urging me to shut the fuck up, never finishing my sentence. damn him and his fast hands.

As hot as this position is right now-his lips on the back of my ear, his right hand behind me on the sideboard supporting his weight. damn it! I can even feel his warm breath blowing on my skin.
I'm tired of how this marriage is purely sexual. Sex was the reason why we got married and there's no going back as divorce is not an option.

"What made you think I'm interested in fucking you this early? I need to get the fucking creamer Page" Nicolai declared with a guttural sound, sending chills all over my body.

Oh that explains his hand on the sideboard.

"Fuck you Nic and your sexual antics !" I said fuming with irritation. I walked out of his way for him to get the bloody creamer on the sideboard. Highly amused, he went to the kitchen island to pour the recently brewed coffee to both mugs with a "Mr." and "Mrs." printed on it. The fuck is so cliché and it just happen to be the wedding gift of my parents. He knew I hated it and I know he did too but he chose to put that thought aside seeing as tormenting me was his newly found hobby from the time we were linked with our marital vows.

"So I guess it's working then? I wouldn't mind fucking you here pronto." Nicolai chuckled in between his sentences. That just made me more furious-enraged even!
The asshole thinks everything can be dealt with dirty talks and he just happen to annoy me so much.

He put a tad amount of creamer to his cup and 2 1/2 tablespoons for me, just the way I preferred my coffee. He stirred both the cups and I move towards the kitchen island to grab mine.

"Shut the fuck up!" losing my cool fast, I happen to shout at him.
What is it with this guy that he annoys me to the core?. I'm fucking ballistic when I'm with him.
And that idea scares me because I don't want to become mental. Imagine this on the first page of our local news paper; Thereza Page Anderson, a psychiatrist went psycho after having enough of his husband's dirty talks and marital problems. Oh the incongruity of it!

"All you do is whine. But I don't mind if we were on the bed. Me on top, you under my weight, squirming, going limp." The smirking Nicolai Grimaldi walked towards me teasing, mocking my whole existence. Comical how I am so icy at him at one point and in a split second I am so turned on by his choice of words.

I met his steps and finally halted when my body touched his. I wandered my hands on his hard stomach, noticing his growing fullness, a scheme suddenly popped out of my mind.

My hand travelled down to his chiseled torso down to the swelling in his loins. Darling, I can be a cock tease if I feel like one. He let out a breathy grunt, just what I desired to hear. I started stroking his pulsing core libidinously, I swallowed hard thinking how messed up this is.

Giving him a hand job wasn't just giving him the pleasure but what's more is that my brain short-circuits whenever I'm like this with him sending shivers to my body specifically my hot, wet sheath.
I could feel the blood pulsing through his member. His dick throbbing in my hand, was an adequate indication for me that he fancy our little venture right here in our kitchen. I quicken my stroking; his inhalation became hefty while my hand-work sends him to overdrive. He let out a deep raspy fuck. Right then and there I knew he was close. I put my lips behind his ear and gave it a little licking and whispered; "I can break your nose if I want to" but right now it's not your nose that's gonna break, it's your dick! Haha- I've gone officially mental. Sweet jesus.

I left him there standing with his sweatpants hanging below his hips and an unbending hard on. His eyes filled with lust mixed with frustration and dissatisfaction. He fucking deserves it. Mr. Grimaldi was not the only one with fast hands.

"well, good morning to you too darling" He bellow from downstairs, his hands on his cock rubbing it, driving his need for release. Self help. Maybe I too need it.

That was one approach to start my morning.


Well that was hot.
Can't you see how efficient they are together? They just keep on denying it tho.

Thank you for reading the first chapter! I would like to hear from my readers so bad. your comments, vote and support helps me update faster. if you liked this chapter, please do hit that star. thankieees.


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