4. Hotter than May

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I woke up to the unforgiving sunlight peering through our gigantic glass windows, hues of red and orange blinded me. I squint as the high noon blazing sun offended my eyes, but it did not stopped me as my gaze still at the exquisite scenery outside--watching the greens and Nicolai's mom beloved daffodils swung with the midday breeze. It was a lovely sight indeed. The May weather here in California is brilliant--almost summer-like but without the heat. I kind of miss the Philippine weather where I visited a couple of years ago with my sister Ariande where it was summer all year round. But I soon realized the horror of what we did last night; we just had sex with the blinds up! Although our neighbors are quite far from us, they still might-- god forbids-- saw us from our large untinted windows that could as well pass as walls. But who might be still awake at three am?

We slept till noon and if not for the warm pulsing light which forayed in to our room, we could have slept till late afternoon. Putting everything else aside, this was a nice change of the usual. Not having to wake up with an alarm or all alone in bed or waking up with both of my arms on my side. Today was different and refreshing. I woke up with Nicolai spooning me, his head on the crook of my neck and I was now on his side of the bed facing the large windows. His arms rested on my stomach right above my navel and his face was suppressed at my neck with his short beard slightly tickling me. Today is another blank slate and a day full of hope and I was silently praying that everything will transpire as smoothly as last night.

I felt Nicolai stir, groaning softly and giving my neck a sloppy kiss. The feeling lingered right there and then, crawling up to haze my sanity anew.

"you're up" I uttered nonchalantly, my eyes were still fixed on the landscape outside. I was feeling so many emotions right now; contentment, confusion, ease, skittishness and the list continues. I was feeling so much more, now that the unsaid things were put into words. I feel life injected right into my bloodstream yet again.

"baby, I'm not loving these glass walls anymore" he grunted, the covers rustled the same time he stretched his appendages. The sun probably hurt his orbs as well.

"I beg to differ. I would love to keep them."

"but I would love it more if we keep our intimacy to ourselves" as if on cue our neighbor Andrew Finley who passed by their windows- much smaller than ours, took a step back and takes in our not-so-hard to presume sight. The Accountant who just moved into our neighborhood few weeks ago with his sister Frankie gave us a good morning wave and later a 'thumbs up' grinning audaciously at us from their window and then glides back to his direction once more-a grin still plastered on his face .

"Goddammit Nicolai! Please put the blinds down!" I exclaimed at the same time slapping his hand which was rested on my stomach. I grimaced at the slight pain that reverberated from my action. I mentally face-palmed myself. Stupid.

"I'm going to take a shower." Nicolai stood up and I felt the bed shift. He was butt-naked, and he felt not a tinge of embarrassment. But then again he has nothing to be ashamed of. I could squeeze his butt all day. God, what the fuck am I thinking?

"Are you going to the court this afternoon?" I sidetracked myself from my thoughts. Nicolai turned around to face me with all his naked glory. His manly thing appears to be ridiculing me. 'hey, I'm hanging around freely, wanna hang out?' says his penis.

"No. I'm just going to have a word with Mr. Aronowitz regarding his witnesses' testimony." He eyed me liked he could not believe I ask him about work because I never did. Here's to another first. He faced the windows again and strode towards them, turning the vertical blinds down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2019 ⏰

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