3. Three Am Flames

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I'm going to start this chapter with a note. Please don't scroll down without reading this.

First, I want to apologize for the late update. I've been busy for the past few days.

Second, I'm going to make it up to you guys since I'm posting a long chapter today. This chapter can be broken into 2 chapters but I'm too damn kind not to finish this chapter with yet another cliff hanger. Yeah thank me for that later.

And Finally, everything that's been posted is UNEDITED. I'm planning to edit everything when I finish writing this story. You can point out errors for me kindly— that i'll appreciate. But if you start being rude to me about my mistakes, I won't mind muting people. I write because it's my way of coping up with boredom. So pleaseee. I beg of you be kind.

Ps. THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS A LOT OF SMUT. If you're uncomfortable with that, skip that part.


I heard low grunts from a man and a couple of profanities outside, my heart thumping more rapidly at the notion that this might be the first time I shoot a man down. I kept pointing my gun at the door ready to bury silver bullets to whoever this intruder was. He scrabbled to unlock the front door-- the wait was excruciatingly stressing me out.

Nicolai never told me he was going out for a drink, he never does but he does make sure to give me a call when he plans to come home late so I won’t fret. At time like this, I learned to act more than to think.

The door swung open with Alessandro’s legs pushing the door wide open with Nicolai on tow, supporting his drunken unconscious body. “Sweet jesus! Page put the fucking gun down!”  When he saw me with a gun he was startled as fuck; dropping Nicolai who reeks with liquor on the floor, his weight created a loud ‘thud’. Nicolai managed a worn-out groan making him slightly awake.

“We’re you expecting someone else? Merda! Where did you even get that gun?” he exclaimed throwing a couple of Italian swearwords with his modulated voice. Yes I am but thankfully it wasn’t whom I was expecting. He collected Nicolai, propelling him to the sofa. Seeing that there’s no threat here I place the safety back on the gun. I sighed, becoming conscious that I was breathing hard. Alessandro Russo was a family friend and Nic’s best bud. They went to law school together but Ale dropped out of school when he realized it was not for him and went to get a business degree which was a good decision. He built his company from scratch and now he’s living his life like a king. I don’t often get to see him since he keeps travelling to Pasta-county and back. Alessandro was nice-looking himself with dark stubbles on his face and a muscular build. Girls totally fall for this kind of guy.

“Ale, I’m sorry. I thought… “ I responded and then I mentally threw my head and laughed at the next thing that I’m planning to do. You woke me up at two thirty, might as well humor me with your Italian ass. I don’t mean it literally. God, that’ll be uncomfortable.

“Actually I was waiting for Nicolai and this?” I raised the gun swinging it in front of his face. He stepped back at my impulsive action—fearful that I might inadvertently shoot his face.

“I got this from my dad. Pretty isn’t it?” Okay. He clearly does not have any idea about what’s going on with Nicolai and me. It’s better that way.

“wha-why? Is there really a need to shoot my mate here? Accidenti! I can’t believe he has to go through all of this when he comes home late. You are one hella possessive woman.” Confused as well as amused, he chuckled and jammed his hands in his pockets clutching Nicolai car keys and so as our house keys and tossed it at me. I caught it at placed it at the tabletop near the lounger.

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