Coffee Date

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The very next day, something finally came up to distract Lena from her one-sided crush on Supergirl.

"Kara!" the CEO of L-Corp smiled warmly as the plucky young reported from CatCo stepped into her office.

"Just thought I, and some donuts, might drop in for a little visit!" Kara replied cheerfully as she waved a large box of donuts at Lena. Lena's eyes widened at once and she grinned broadly.

"You're my favorite!" she declared as she rushed over to embrace Kara... and then indulge in a few donuts. Kara laughed in response, hugging Lena just as tightly before following Lena's path and devouring some of the warm, sugary pastries.

The two spent a pleasant hour together, chatting. They spoke about everything and nothing, about good things and bad, but then at last, Supergirl's little demonstration popped up in the conversation.

"What did you think of it?" Kara asked Lena.

"I thought it was wonderful! As always," Lena replied, smiling a little as she said this.

"I'm sure Supergirl would be glad to hear you say that," Kara replied, giving Lena a look that she could not decipher.

"Well, that's provided that she could ever truly believe that a Luthor had genuinely had good intentions for and about her," Lena smiled dryly.

"Don't say that!" Kara's unreadable expression changed to one of sadness and hurt. "You are not your brother, and Supergirl knows that! She is very fond of you, and she knows full well that you mean her no harm! She would be glad to hear such praise coming from you!"

"You sound quite confident," Lena replied, but she had since begun to smile again, a warm feeling rising up in her chest that her hero thought highly of her. It really did mean a lot to Lena to think that someone like Supergirl liked and trusted her. And it went beyond the simple "Luthor/Super" dichotomy. There was something even deeper within Lena that was satisfied whenever she imagined that someone like Supergirl could manage to see the good in someone like her.

"I am!" Kara nodded assertively. "You know that she and I are... friends. I mean it when I tell you that she thinks you are a great person."

For a moment, no more words were spoken. Lena smiled at her lap again, reveling in what Kara was telling her. But in the back of her mind, she did wonder what Kara meant when she said "friends". Though Lena knew full well that Kara had a strange connection with the Girl of Steel, in the same way that Lois Lane did with the Man of Steel, she did not know what sort of connection it was that Kara and Supergirl had. Was it romantic? Platonic? Something in between? Or something totally different?

"How did you two meet?" Lena asked next, unsure of whether she was asking out of curiosity, or maybe even a little bit of jealousy.

"Ah, well, about that..." Kara suddenly looked very flustered and she started fiddling with her glasses. Although Lena felt guarded, interested and wary of what Kara's answer might be, she couldn't help but smile a little as she watched the adorkable blond twitch. The way she always fiddled with her glasses when she was nervous was something that Lena really did find quite endearing.

But then Lena's smile faded. She wondered, briefly, if maybe Kara and Supergirl were actually dating. Though she didn't disapprove, Lena couldn't deny a tiny amount of jealousy that Kara should be so close to the Girl of Steel. But then, even Lena didn't know if what she felt for Supergirl was anything beyond the typical high that everyone felt whenever she was around. There had been a few times when Lena couldn't tell the difference between love and envy within herself. Did she truly love Supergirl? Or was she so envious of the woman's talents, powers and morals that it was manifesting in a crush? And was she fond of Kara partly because she knew Kara had a special connection with the famed Kryptonian? And did the thought of knowing that Kara was special friends with Supergirl make Lena jealous? It was all so confusing! But, just for a second, the most bizarre, hilarious and inappropriate thought flashed through her mind. It was the idea of herself engaging in a polyamorous relationship with Kara and Supergirl. Now that would be a threesome for the ages! But Lena pushed the thought away again quickly, embarrassed both by the absurdity and inappropriateness of it.

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