Stupid Licensing Deal

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"Sooooo, you got any big plans coming up?" Kara asked Lena hopefully as she and the CEO shared a nice weekend brunch together.

"What do you mean?" Lena asked, quirking her eyebrow and smiling a little. Usually, when Kara asked a question like that, it was because she had something big in mind for the two of them, and Lena was already itching to know what Kara was thinking about.

"I meant you and Supergirl!" Kara replied, and Lena's smile faded instantly. For a moment, she could only stutter and sputter embarrassedly, unsure if she had gone pale or started blushing. It had been about a week since she and Supergirl went out on that late night coffee date, courtesy of Wing-girl Kara Danvers herself, but Lena hadn't once heard from the Girl of Steel in any way, shape or form.

Part of her was a little hurt, put off and indignant that Supergirl had vanished from her radar again. But part of her was also understanding. Supergirl was a busy woman and couldn't be counted on to keep in touch with every friend and ally she had. And part of Lena was also a little relieved. Anxious as she was to receive a follow-up from National City's hero, Lena was still a little bit intimidated by and uncertain around her and she almost didn't mind that Supergirl had yet to try and contact her again after that first date. Maybe they could both pretend it never happened and Lena could work on ending her silly little schoolgirl crush for the Kryptonian instead of indulging in it like the simpering little fool she was. But still, Lena couldn't help but be surprised by how unhappy and disappointed she felt as she realized that Supergirl really didn't seem to care for her after all. Of course, that was fine with Lena, she wasn't asking for the Girl of Steel to adore her. But to think that there had been absolutely zero follow-ups in the seven days after their first meeting left Lena feeling a little less than loved at the moment.

"I don't know, Kara," the Luthor admitted at last, eyebrows furrowing a little as she heaved an unhappy sigh. "She hasn't tried to contact me at all ever since that night and I don't really know how to reach her."

"Well, if you wanted to leave a message, all you had to do was ask moi!" Kara cried, pointing at herself indignantly. Lena couldn't help but laugh a little at the funny expression Kara had on at the moment, but even that wasn't enough to cheer the Luthor up completely.

"Kara, I appreciate you acting as a mediator for the two of us and I promise I won't demand to know what your secret is that you're always able to get in touch with her, but I guess I just hoped that she would come to me, and not go through you. And because I want that, I don't feel comfortable trying to use you as a letter-carrier, even if you're willing," Lena confessed. "And this has nothing to do with trust, or privacy, because I trust you with my very life and I know you'd never act as our mediator just for the sake of gossip, but I had hoped that maybe she would come to me directly, you know?" she added, giving a hopeless expression to Kara, worried that she wasn't making any sense. But good old Kara understood at once.

"No, no, I get it," she promised. "You're upset that Supergirl doesn't seem to have the nerve, or the desire, to contact you again of her own free will." Lena nodded unhappily. "Well, don't worry about that," Kara promised. "I think it's partly because, as we both know, she's very busy and very secretive. But if you want, I can give you her number."

"She'd be ok with that?" Lena asked uncertainly.

"Eh, well, who cares?" Kara replied, then she reached out a hand for Lena's phone.

38 seconds later, Lena had a brand new contact in her phone. She couldn't help but laugh a little at it.

"It's funny to see "Supergirl" as one of my contacts," she mused as she studied her phone. "It just seems so silly and unreal! And I'm sure it's everyone's dream to brag that they have Supergirl's number. Now I have that honor and can honestly say that I have her number!"

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