Fancy Dinner Date

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Just like Kara had hinted at to Lena during their dinner together, there soon came a day when Supergirl asked Lena out on yet another date. This one was going to be fancier than just a simple late-night coffee date.

Supergirl: There's a fancy little restaurant on the east end of the city and I was wondering if you might like to meet up there some time.

Lena: I'd love to! What dates and times work best for you?

Supergirl: Any weekend, including this one.

Lena: Is that your way of asking me to go out with you THIS weekend?

Supergirl: I'd like to see you again sooner rather than later ;)

Lena: Done. This Saturday night at 6:30?

Supergirl: Done.

Lena exhaled slowly as she set her phone back down on her desk. Another simple conversation and another rush of nerves. One would think that she would've gotten used to texting Supergirl by now, but she hadn't. Every new message from National City's hero made her heart flutter like mad. Today was no exception, and she couldn't help but get caught up on the winky face Supergirl had sent in her third text. Was that supposed to mean something? Or was it just supposed to be funny and cute? Lena didn't know which potential meaning she preferred and she half considered screenshotting the message and sending it to Kara, asking her to help her decipher what the wink had meant in this context.

Lena ultimately decided against that, though, too embarrassed to try and ask Kara for help with something like this. Although Kara had been an amazing wing-girl, friend and helper to Lena so far, Lena felt like it was high time she learned how to talk to Supergirl herself and stop using Kara as an emergency emotional crutch. That, and she didn't want Kara teasing her that she might be reading too far into one little text from the Girl of Steel, which was also a possibility in this case. Lena couldn't help but laugh at herself. She was a Luthor! And a CEO of a giant company! She was supposed to be fearless, proud and strong! But here she was, fretting over what a winky face meant from her crush! How stupid!

But when that Saturday night finally came, Lena was all nerves once again. She went out wearing a simple but eye-catching black dress and she pulled her long hair back into a nice little bun. She also wore an extra layer of makeup and put on some nice jewelry to complete the look. As beautiful as she felt, however, she hoped that Supergirl wouldn't think that it was a bit too much. She didn't want to come off as a show off. But, of course, she didn't want to underdress either. Gah! Why was Supergirl able to get into her head so easily? Lena had never cared what anyone else ever thought about her before, but now, she was fretting over her outfit, wondering whether or not Supergirl would like it. What had gotten into her?! Apparently, her usual "I-don't-care-what-anyone-thinks" persona went out the window if the "anyone" just so happened to be Kryptonian. But it was too late to back out, so Lena just too another deep breath and headed on out to the restaurant.

"Wow!" she marveled softly to herself as she made her arrival to the diner. It really was a beautiful and elegant place, but it wasn't too large or gaudy. Lena felt herself relax the longer she studied the restaurant. Maybe it sounded prideful to say it, but the Luthor was very well acquainted with the world of fine dining. Stepping inside a fancy restaurant was as easy for her as stepping into an office or a meeting room. Even if she wasn't very good at romance, she could handle a dinner date like this! Already, her confidence was rising.

A couple minutes later, Supergirl arrived to the diner as well.

"Sorry I'm late, I-" Supergirl began, but the moment she actually had the chance to look Lena over, she went totally silent.

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