Chapter 19

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Chelsea, Ezra, Harry and I fell on my master hotel room bed, absolutely exhausted. What a show we just had! The crowd was so cheerful and excited. The energy was amazing!

"So... Haven. How's loverboy doing?"

Chelsea teased. I rolled my eyes.

"He's fine."

I replied. Chelsea turned to lay on her stomach and propped her elbows up on the bed.

"When are you going to see him again? It's been months."

Harry commented while he was sitting against the headboard. I sighed and lay down on my side.

"I don't know. We've been on tour for 3 months, remember?"

I reminded him. Ezra sat crossed legged in the middle of the bed.

"Yeah but we end our tour next week."

Ezra told me. Chelsea snorted.

"C'mon Haven. You guys text 24/7. Please tell me he at least asked you out yet."

Chelsea raised her eyebrows. I stayed silent.

"Oh my god, HE DIDN'T?"

Chelsea tugged on my sock. I groaned and sat up.

"No! He's not going to ask me out via text message, god Chelsea."

I rolled my eyes. Harry bit his lip.

"Okay but why are you so afraid to see him? You could of seen him again while we weren't on tour."

Harry pointed out. I glared at him.

"Haven, we already talked about this! Lachlan is a nice guy who really likes you! Not to mention that he's cute, smart and funny. C'mon Haven, do I really have to lecture you again?"

Chelsea asked me. I covered my face with my hands.

"It's true, Haven. Sometimes you need to put yourself out there. I mean, you already told the guy you loved him."

Ezra continued. I took my hands off my face and narrowed my eyes at all of them.

"Why are we always talking about my love life?"

I tried changing the subject. Ezra shook his head.

"Not true. We always talk about how Chelsea and her boyfriends-"

Ezra started, Chelsea gave Ezra a dirty look.

"UMM? What's with the plural? I had 5 boyfriends so far, that's not even a lot."

Chelsea complained. Ezra rolled his eyes.

"Okay fine. We always talk about Chelsea's BOYFRIEND, we always talk about my ongoing pathetic crush and we always talk about how Harry is a loner."

Ezra corrected. Harry shrugged.

"Excuse me but I like waiting for the right girl. Not having 5 test ones."

Harry smirked at Chelsea. Chelsea playfully stuck out her tongue.

"The point is that we think Lachlan can be really good for you, Haven. You should try seeing him while we're off tour."

Ezra suggested. I nodded my head slowly.

"Alright, Fine. I'll see."

I replied. Harry smiled.

"Good. Just don't have too much fun. Always bring a condom!"

Harry joked. Everyone started to laugh. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at Harry's face.

"Whatever, HAROLD. I'm going to get some towels from the lobby."

I informed them and watched as Harry rolled his eyes because I called him by his full name. I got off the bed and headed down to the hotel lobby.

~Lachlan's P.O.V~

324567- Lachlan.

Me- Who is this?

324567- It's Chelsea. Havens friend

Me- Oh

Me- Wait, how do you have my number?

324567 changed to Chelsea

Chelsea- Haven went to go get towels from the hotel lobby. I know her phone password and I wanted to talk to you

Me- Oh. Alrighty then. What's up?

Chelsea- Okay, I'm going to cut right to the chase. When are you going to ask Haven out?

Me- Woah- uh-

Chelsea- Don't act so shocked, Lachlan. I know you both said the L word to each other and text every single free moment you two have

Me- But... idk what to say

Chelsea- You two need to seriously step up your dating game. Seriously. What's holding you back?

Me- Well, I don't exactly want to ask her out through I message.

Chelsea- We finish our tour next weekend. You guys can meet each other in about two weeks

Me- True But what if she rejects me? What if she realizes that long distance just doesn't work out?

Chelsea- You and Haven been texting for months. I'm sure you guys are used to long distance

Chelsea- And you don't need to be scared of Haven rejecting you. She loves you, Lachlan. She wouldn't reject you if she loves you

Chelsea- God, you both are so cautious and paranoid

Me- Aren't I supposed to be? Haven means a lot to me, you know?

Chelsea- I get that Lachlan but the idea of falling in love is like falling head first into a deep ocean. There are risks but you take it anyway!

Me- Um, I fell in love with a girl that lives halfway across the world from me. If that's not falling into ocean water head first then idk what is

Chelsea- Okay, so you fell head first into an ocean. Fucking swim to her, Lachlan! Go get her before before you lose your chance instead of falling to deep and ending up drowning

Me- Yeah, I guess you're right

Chelsea- Ofc I'm right

Chelsea- Ask her out on a date. Be straight forward with her

Me- Alright

Chelsea- Good. I gotta go now. Haven came back and everyone including her fell asleep on the same bed. I should join the big spooning that's going on, lmao

Me- Alright. Thanks for the advice, Chelsea

Chelsea- Anytime. If you ever need advice on Haven, I'm here. I know you're a good guy. Also, we all know Haven the most

Me- Yeah. I will. Goodnight

Chelsea- Goodnight.




I'm super busy and stressed with school. CPT's are coming out soon (Canadians will know what a CPT is) and it's going to get hectic.

I'll update as much as I can


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