How It Should Have Happened

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Lincoln was currently sitting outside the house thinking of how to get in. He originally planned to tell his family the truth, but he realized that it wasn't a good plan. They're all convinced that he was bad luck so him telling them the truth wouldn't be a good idea. However He thought of another idea and waited for the whole family to leave.

When they left, he snuck back into the house and reached the phone. He then called everyone that the Louds often hung around with (excluding the players at the game) and told them about the events that happened towards him. People were shocked that such a nice family would do this to one of their own and started to head towards the game to give them a piece of their minds.

Meanwhile the Louds arrived at the game unaware that their crime has spread all over. Lynn Jr. was walking towards the other player so she can warm up and do her good luck rituals. When she was stopped by her coach.

"Why are you stopping me Coach?" Lynn Asked. She was confused since she was the star player and wanted to help the squirrels win the game.

"I received an interesting phone call from someone. And I want to know something." He said.

"What do you want to know?" Lynn Asked. She felt a pit form in her stomach, but she washed it down hoping that it was good news. It wasn't.

"What were you and your family thinking throwing out your own flesh and blood?" The Coach Asked. He was never felt this level of disappointment at a player until now. He always thought that the team had good sportsmanship, but it turns out that he was wrong about one of them.

"He was bad luck and we..." Lynn started, but the coach just pinched his nose in anger.

"Lynn, I have never felt more disappointed in a player until that moment. I thought that surely you of all the player would know that luck has nothing to do with sports. Sports are built on teamwork and sportsmanship, but I can see that somehow you haven't picked that up unlike the others." The Coach Said. He knew that he threatened to lose the game by his next course of action, but he had to do it. Besides how could she learn anything if he kept her in the game.

"Lynn, I'm taking you out of the game." The Coach Said. 

"What? Why I did nothing wrong?" Lynn Exclaimed. The gathered attention from her teammates and they all gathered around the coach and their teammate.

"Lynn, Throwing your brother out just because you lost a game shows that you're a poor athlete. We will continue this conversation when you come back to school and we'll see whether you'll still be apart of the team. I'll like to add that I'll also be talking to the other coaches to see the best course of action would be." The Coach explained. Lynn slowly walked off the field and the players looked on at shock. They couldn't believe that one of their teammates would convince their family to throw out someone who only came to the game to support their family member.

The other Louds walked towards their family member to know what happened.

"Lynn, Why aren't you playing?" Rita Asked. 

"The Coach Said that I'm out of the game. He Received a phone call from someone who told him of what we did to Lincoln." Lynn explained.

The Louds stared at Lynn with eyes as big as dinner plates. Someone told Lynn's baseball coach that they kicked Lincoln out. They started to become worried that this has spread to other peow, but then Lori's phone buzzed.

Slowly Lori opened the phone and saw dozens of text messages. They were mostly reprimanding her for kicking her brother out, but out of all of them Bobby's message stung the most. 

"Lori, What's wrong?" Leni Asked.

"The school knows what happened to Lincoln in fact everyone knows now. Not only that Bobby broke up with me." Lori cried. The girls started to become scared that this was just the beginning of something terrible. Turns out they were right.

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