Shoto Todoroki - Twister

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Twister – Shoto Todoroki

A/N: Male!reader.

Words: 1,625.

It was a field trip. A simple freaking school field trip. The students had been allowed off the bus in order to wander around an old abandoned campsite, as long as they stayed in groups to prevent exactly what happened from happening. Bakugo just had to go off on his own, and Deku just had to follow and ensure his safety, and Todoroki had to follow Deku, and you had to follow Todoroki, Mina had to follow you. It was a mess.

Despite it being spring, and the weather being sunny and warm upon a rival, it was now hailing buckets outside, and Todoroki was certain that a villain had attacked the city and caused the storm. The rest of you agreed, and you and Deku had used every ounce of strength and willpower you contained to keep Bakugo and Todoroki from venturing out to find the villain themselves.

The lot of you had been exploring an empty cabin when the storm hit, so at least there was shelter. You were starving, and the cabin lacked any sort of sustenance, but it wasn't particularly cold, and it was dry. In the corner, Mina had wandered off, perusing a small cabinet that was stuffed full of board games. Bakugo had deemed them all lame and childish, but that didn't cease her interest.

When you heard a giggle come from the pink-haired girl, you knew you were doomed. She bounced over to the rest of the group, a simple box in her hand. Red, blue, yellow, and green dots littered the cover, and you read "Twister" along the side.

Well, that could be fun.

"Who wants to play?" she squealed.

Silence answered her. Mina pouted.

"I will," you offered, raising a hand. Mina grinned, offering you a wink as she nodded towards Todoroki. She knew of your crush on the split-haired boy, though you'd sworn her to secrecy. Your eyes widened and heat rushed to your cheeks as you violently shook your head, banning her from voicing her excitement.

"It sounds fun," Deku joined, a genuine smile stretching his lips. Bakugo snorted in distaste.

"You would think so, you fucking nerds," he sneered.

"Does that mean you're not gonna join?" the green-haired boy pouted.

"Hell no," the blond growled, crossing his arms before Deku could pull an expression of disappointment and tug at his heartstrings.

"Afraid to lose, Bakugo?" Todoroki questioned nonchalantly, side-eying the blond.

As expected, Bakugo ignited, turning his death glare onto the split-haired teen. "Fuck no I'm not afraid, half and half bastard!"

"Join us, then," you encouraged, watching as the corner of Todoroki's mouth lifted into a triumphant smirk.

"I will!" the blond roared.

"Yay!" Mina cheered. "Everyone knows how to play, right?"

"I don't," Deku admitted, lifting his hand with a blush on his cheeks.

Bakugo scoffed. "Of course you don't, you loser. Getting excited over a stupid game you've never fucking played."

"Shut up, Kacchan," the freckled boy pouted, earning a laugh from you and a snort from Todoroki.

"It's super simple," Mina began, bypassing their banter. "One person is the spinner – I'll take that role for the first round. Then everyone else takes turns. I spin the board, and it'll land on a hand or a foot and a color. Whoever's turn it is has to get their hand or foot onto that color."

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