TamaKyo - Night Beach

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Night Beach – Tamaki x Kyoya


Words: 1,589

Tamaki Suoh's absolute favorite location was the beach.

Any opportunity he found to drag his fellow hosts to the seaside and subject them to an afternoon of sand and sun was immediately abused. They would often voice their displeasure, sometimes teasing, sometimes sincere, but it never fazed the blond. His heart soared and his brain relaxed when he stood on the shore, watching the tide wash over his bare feet.

Haruhi was the first to notice how much peace it brought the host king. He was calmer at the beach – uncharacteristically calmer. No whining, no emo corner, minimal squealing. He was a whole new person, and a large grin would find station on his lips if his friends enjoyed themselves, too.

The brunette brought it up to the "Mommy" of the group one afternoon, as the Host Club scattered along the sand. Tamaki was in the water, floating on his back beside Honey, who was tightly gripping the edges of an inflatable raft. Mori stood in the water beside his cousin, ready to rescue the smallest host should a wave ripple beneath him and capsize his raft. Hikaru and Kaoru were further out in the water, splashing one another and taking turns shoving the other beneath the surface.

"Tamaki-senpai really loves the beach," Haruhi stated as she sat on a towel stationed beneath a large beach umbrella.

"I suppose so," Kyoya replied distractedly, one hand clutching the edge of his black notebook while the other pushed the middle of his glasses further up his nose bridge.

The brunette tilted her head, gazing up at the bookkeeper. She exhaled a soft sigh, shaking her head. Even being in a relationship apparently wouldn't change Kyoya's focused nature. It had been a fight on Tamaki's end just to get the raven-haired host to agree.

The two had been obviously pining for one another for months, and the other hosts had finally gotten tired of witnessing their desperation. It had been Haruhi who finally pushed them together.

They had been cleaning up one afternoon after all their guests had gone, and Tamaki was hopelessly flirting with Kyoya. The latter's eyes were glued to his notebook, scribbling budgets and expenses and ignoring the blond entirely. Tamaki was merely a second from retreating to his emo corner when Haruhi stood abruptly, hands clenched into fists at her side, the same expression on her face as she had when Hikaru and Kaoru had their extensive fake fight.

"That's enough!" the brunette yelled, earning the attention of every host. Honey had jumped at the sudden noise, clinging to Mori's waist. The twins stood to attention, eyes wide as they darted between Haruhi, Tamaki, and Kyoya. Tamaki's features expressed shock at Haruhi's motherly tone, while Kyoya merely glanced up.

"Haruhi...?" the host king replied hesitantly, tilting his head in curiosity.

"I'm so sick of you two pining after each other!" Haruhi exclaimed. "Tamaki-senpai, you've been flirting with Kyoya-senpai for months. And Kyoya-senpai, I know you like to think you're emotionless, but I can see that you like Tamaki-senpai too. So stop beating around the bush and ask each other out already!"

The room was deadly silent for all of a second before Hikaru and Kaoru squealed in agreement. They clapped loudly in unison, jumping in their places and screeching their agreement.

"Yeah, boss!" Kaoru nodded eagerly. "You two should date!"

"You're the Mommy and Daddy of the Host Club for a reason, you know," Hikaru added.

Kyoya's pale cheeks blushed furiously, and his hand gripped his notebook so tightly it appeared to be on the verge of crumbling to pieces. Tamaki slowly turned to face his best friend, chewing his lower lip in an oddly shy nature – completely out of character for the boisterous blond.

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