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"The colour fits you." Collin commented when I joined him in front if the counter after putting on my uniform.

"See shortcake, that's how you choose your job. The uniform-colour has to fit your teint." James next to him added and winked at you.

Collin rolled his eyes at this, obviously, sarcastic comment, then he talked on, pointing at Sonny. She was bent over the Espresso-machine with a kind of desperate face.

"Raven had to leave to get some stuff for this old thing, while Sunny is trying to clean it. At least that's what I understood. Anyways, I will show you around."

"Wasn't that how it was planned?" I asked with a smile. He blushed a little. "I know just...well let's start. If that's okay for you?”

"Why shouldn't it be?" I asked again, my smile growing. He seemed a bit nervous.

Again, James interrupted the conversation. "You could think he's some crazy rapist amd as soon as we're out of sight he'll murder you."

"I think you are some scary rapist." Collin immediately shot back, he already seemed annoyed with his co-worker.

"You know you love me Colly." James winked.

"My god, I swear, if you call me that once ag-"

"What Colly, huh? Watcha gonna do? I'm stronger than you, my dear. Always keep that in mind."

"Oh c'mon, you couldn't hurt a fly."

"You are right, Collin Gregory Dawson. But, in fact, as a rapist, you are worth less than a fly."

"For heaven's sake, James! Shut the fu-"

"GUYS!" They got interrupted by Sunny, looking up from the desaster of coffee-machine.  "Could you at least try to make a good first impression?!”

"Actually, it's very entertaining." I stated, laughing. "I'm sure they're one heart and a soul." (A/N: I don't know if you say it like that in English. I just translated it from german)

"Oh they are. Sometimes they sound like a married couple."The tiny blonde chuckled. I was glad she didn't act that shy anymore, I wasn't that scary after all.

Soon after that she had convinced James to help her with the machine and all I heard from them for the next hour was some curses, directed at the thing in front of them or at each other for messing something up. The main thing I heard though, was Collin, talking and talking, he couldn't seem to find a way to stop. I tried to memorize as much as possible, which wasn't that much. I never have been gifted with great memory.

"...Basically, the most important thing is to be nice. Take Hayles." he stepped behind the redhaired girl, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "You may have realized that she isn't the nicest person on earth, but she is, in fact, very good at seeing people through. So she always knows when a customer had a hard day and she draws little things on their cups, to cheer them up. Because deep inside Hayley Shay O'Connor is a true sweetheart."

"Fuck off Dawson."

"Ah, ah Hayles. What did I just say is the most important thing here?" He responded with a reproachful look.

"I'm sorry Collin but sometimes you're just annoying as hell.

"Sometimes?!" James joined the conversation.

"Shut up James!" Collin shot back.

"Ah, Ah." I imitated him. "What was the most important thing again Gregory?”

He grinned. "You're learning fast, Flapper."


"Who calls me by my middlename has to get punished. Also, you are our flapper, right?"

I shrugged. There are worse nicknames. Also I had the feeling that it wouldn't change anything if I'd started complaining, so I just left it.

When I followed my guide back to the little room behind the counter, he asked:"Any questions?"

A lot. I remember about a tenth of what you said, I thought. "I don't think so." I said out loud.

But then I remembered something that Bailey once told me.

-"You always have to know people before interacting with them. It just makes things way more easier."-

"Well actually..." I added, "You could tell me a bit about everyone."

He smiled a little. "So, Flappy wants insider knowledge, huh?"

"Yes, she does."

"Then she shall get that. Alright, let me think. So, Raven. She's great. I know her from preschool, we've been best friends ever since and let me tell you, she's one tough chick. Her parents divorced when she was 10, her brother moved away with their dad, now they live together though. She had to keep up with her crazy mother and her weird choice of men since then. Currently, Miss Hampshire is on a vacation in India with her newest lover, a very very rich, very very old man. The only benefit is that he keeps giving Rav money, with which she was able to open this little lovely coffeshop we're standing in right now.

Then there's Hayley, she's the daughter of an ex-lover of Raven's mom. I think they bonded over their parents craziness, there's no other thing they have in common. Hayley always pretends to be this cold-hearted misterious girl, who listens to strange music and is rude to everyone, but actually she's a little angel. If you want some deep advice on life, ask her, she's great at that stuff. I guess in a past life she was a philosopher or something.

If you want advice on clothing though you should ask James. He's a pain in the arse but he's also the cutest little shit you'll ever meet. Once I was out with a few friends, also Sunny, and he just came up to us and started talking about all of our clotherd not matching and that, if we go out we have to watch that...and well he just stuck with us since then I guess. He gets to you, you know?

I know Sunny since middleschool actually but we never really talked. That just started when she became friends with Raven, even though I think they became friends in the first place because Sunny had a fling with Raven's brother...I'm not sure though, Sunny never talks about such things. I guess that's 'too private'. She's kind of shy but if you get to know her, she can be pretty hyper. Oh and she looks young but actually she's the oldest. She's 19, will turn 20 next month. You wouldn't have thought that right?"

Overwhelmed with that ton of information I just shook my head.

"So you're all kind of friends from school? How comes you're letting someone from 'outside' join your circle?" I asked finally, referring to myself.

"Until a week ago, Ravens Ex worked here, Jonah. They broke up two years ago, but he still instists that 'he loves her soooo much' and do he kept hanging around us all the time. They broke up because he cheated, by the way. Anyways, last week he came up to Raven and out of nowhere said he would leave her alone. I don't think so. I think that he has a plan. You know, I bet he thinks that she will miss him when he's not around." Collin laughed at that. "What an idiot."


Alright, second update for today, weeee :D

so that was a little introduction chapter for most of the main characters!

vote, comment and all that jazz


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2014 ⏰

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