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Jessica: who is that girl with Rise Astoria?                                                            Astoria: Why do you ask? by the way, She is hawk's sister Fala snow white.                                                 Jessica:nothingjust I was wondering whether we should do a sleepover as it is Rose's birthday, she will feel good you know.                                                                                                                          Astoria:I should talk to Rise about it.
She went to Rise and asked
Astoria: actually   Jessica thought that Rose would like to have a sleepover!
Rise: nice then come I think Rose would be ready by now to have a sleepover as she is a energetic girl. Astoria called everybody and they went up.  They came in Rose's room and saw  Rose and Andrew talking while sitting on bed and Hawk glaring at them and then Rise came in with Fala and said
Rise:I thought she would like to come too.
Jessica's face dropped and she sat beside Hawk doing the same thing and while glaring Rise and Fala.
Travis:(wishpered) look that's funny!
In astoria's ear and Astoria said
astoria:shut up Travis!
Everybody did a lot of fun and then everybody went to sleep in their separate rooms but Jessica was roaming in corridors murmering
Jessica: now because of that Fala girl,  I had plan to spend time with Rise because of her
Then she went in Hawk's room and said
Hawk can I talk to you (as I have nothing to do right now and you are only awake.
But Hawk glaring out of the window and not listening      



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