Chapter 28

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"Chim? You're awake?" Jungkook asked as if Jimin was just sleep talking or something.

"Hahaha! Whoa. 파보야?/Pabo ya? (Are you stupid?) Or are you hallucinating? Of course, he's awake, captain obvious." - Taehyung teased. Words coming out so naturally.

"Do you really want me to murder you? Is that your death wish?" - Jungkook losing every thread of patience that he has.

Q-Quiet. Oh m-my God. - Jimin sighed heavily while massaging his temples.

"I'm sorry, Chim. I didn't mean to wake you up. Taehyung was acting weird and being an ass so I snapped." - Jungkook apologized.

"Hah! That's very funny Bugs Bunny. Wasn't it you who exploded like an effin volcano when you saw me here? You started it, kid." - Taehyung retorted.

F-For the second t-t-time, stop!

"Okay, okay, Chim. Don't be mad. I bought you noodles, you have to eat I'll feed you." - Jungkook opened the lid of the plastic bowl and prepared the napkins and chopsticks while Taehyung watched Jimin silently who noticed him starring eventually and asked...

D-don't you h-have a class, Taehyung?

The question caught the other off-guard and Jungkook lifted his chin looking back at Taehyung, his left brows are cocked as high as the sky as if seconding Jimin.

Why am I here? I don't even know why I'm here. Is it wrong to say that I want to see if he is alright? I mean, we're not exactly friends yet. Shit. Of course, it will be weird.

Taehyung's thoughts are running through his head faster than the speed of light and answering a simple question seemed to be harder than figuring out a mathematical equation.

"What? Are you my mom now? Am I not allowed to get bored and cut classes? I was heading elsewhere when I passed by the clinic so I'm here. Happy?"

Taehyung's response came off defensive, he, himself knows that but he can't think of any other way to say it so he played the part.

"Tssss... Don't mind him, Chim. Here eat. Say AHHH"

I-I-I can eat on m-my own, Kookie.

"But I don't want you to eat on your own. Come on my arms will fallout."

Jimin finally followed the younger and didn't refuse the offer anymore. Jungkook did not miss to blow the hot noodles first making sure that Jimin will not burn his tongue and his lips. A drop of soup escape Jimin's mouth and Jungkook immediately wiped it with his thumb brushing the other's lips unintentionally. Jungkook's brain malfunctioned for a few seconds from touching Jimin's plump lips, only thinking how luscious and soft it was.

Taehyung's eyes widened. He saw Jungkook's reaction and he felt anger on every nerve of his body.

"Oh, seriously?! This is too cringy."

Teahyung is ready to stormout but he stopped momentarily when he heard Jungkook.

"So, you're leaving now, Kim? Fucking finally."

"Yeah, Bugs Bunny. Seeing you two like that makes me wanna vomit."

With that, Taehyung left the clinic.

"He should have done it sooner. Hey, Chim. Don't pout like that. You look like a puppy. Aigoo" he pinched Jimin's cheek adoring the other's cuteness.

H-he was nice y-yesterday.

"So it's true then? You were with him?"

Jungkook's heart was sinking. He invited Jimin to have dinner with him and his family only to find out that he spent his time with Taehyung. Of all the people, why does it have to be his rival? There's no point of denying to himself that he is jealous but he won't tell a word to Jimin. Not right now at least.

Ahmmm... W-well something ha-happened. It wasn't l-like we p-planed on h-hanging out. That's f-far from reality, Kookie.

"What is it then?" — Jungkook insisted on asking. He can't help but do it, he wants to feel any form of relief from the burning spite.

Jimin can sense the pleading from the younger thus, he continued giving out the details ensuring to leave the unnecessary ones to keep him from worrying.

I w-wanted to r-read a b-book while waiting f-for Jin hyung a-and he was there in the library t-too.

"Is that all? What about Taehyung hugging you?"

Right now Jungkook is really sounding like an insecure boyfriend but what is he supposed to do? He really needs to know and get it off his chest or he will lose his mind wishing he had smack Taehyung's pretty face.


"He said something about comforting you with a hug. Was that a lie?"

Jimin wanted to say yes it's a lie but that would be unfair to Taehyung in so many levels so he nodded his head weakly. 

Jungkook huffed in defeat. "So that ass, wasn't lying after all?"

B-B-But it's n-not what you t-think at all. It's-it's...

"That's fine, Chim. I should be minding my own business." — Jungkook's response towards Jimin made him felt unjust but he chose to keep silent and continued feeding him instead.

Why does he look sad? Did I mess up? I know him and Taehyung doesn't get along. He probably felt that I am disregarding him or some sort because he invited me and I didn't accept it. That should be it. I'm horrible. — Jimin is having a mental conversation between himself.

Kookie d-d-do you want to watch a m-m-movie next time?

Jungkook's aura changed from gloomy to a beaming light in a span of few seconds. Jimin felt relieved and happy from seeing that the other seemed pleased.

Oh? I'd love to! Let's catch a movie once you're better!