Chapter 6

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It's been four years since I last set my foot in an actual school. I didn't realize that Seoul University was this big. I think I would have been lost if Jin hyung didn't walk me to my room. Good thing that we came here early because hyung gave me a tour and now I know I'm a bit familiar with the facilities.

I forgot my pen in my locker so I had to walk through the hallway again. I still feel anxious with people that's why I had my head looking down. Although, I would have to commend myself because I'm not having a hard time breathing despite seeing a crowd. I guess that's progress.

I can hear the ladies murmuring saying "I'm so cute" but I know they wouldn't feel the same once they hear me speak. Ha! How pathetic can I be? I was totally zoning out while walking when someone bumped into me causing me to fall flat on my ass.

"Omo! I'm sorry are you okay? Let me help you. I'm sorry, I was texting and wasn't looking where I'm heading to. Are you hurt?"

"A-a-I'm not hu-hurt."

The guy looked at me with concern in his eyes and I figured he must be thinking I'm in pain because of stuttering.

"A-a-I'm so-sorry. I ha-have cha-challenges i-in s-s-speaking bu-but I'm o-okay."

"Oh, I see. I'm glad to hear that. I was worried that I hurt you but now I'm relieved. By the way, my name is Jeon Jungkook, a freshman student. What's your name?"

Wow. He reminds me of a bunny when he smiles. He is beautiful.

"Pa-Park Ji-mi-min"

"Cute. Are you a freshman too?" Asked Jungkook showing his pretty smile.

I nodded like I usually would when I address questions answerable by Yes or No.

"I thought so. I'm sorry but I am really in a hurry right now because I still have to find my room but I hope to see you around, Jimin. Maybe next time we can hang out. It was nice meeting you."

"Ni-nice meeting yo-you too."

He bid his goodbye and did one last glance while smiling at me. I think he is kind. I hope all of the students are like him.

After getting my pen, I went back to the classroom and was surprised to see that the professor is already inside even though it's still a few minutes early before the class starts. A familiar voice shouted for my name.


It was Jungkook.