Another day and unexpected plans

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My eyes, opening up... it's dark... it's five in the morning, 2 hours from when my alarm actually goes off. i close my eyes resting my eyes with my body feeling like it's infested with creepy crawlers not being able to sleep. I keep my eyes closed to rest my body at least. i've been having trouble sleeping for some time now it's been 5 months and the max amount of sleep i get is 5 hours, how do i know? I always check the time before i sleep. so many nights i've been trying to get eight hours of sleep the minimum of what the body needs.

*Beep beep beep* that felt fast.....

I go straight to the shower turning the shower mixer to extremely hot just so i can get the hot water fast, once i feel it scorching hot i'll ease it down to a temperature i feel fits me. yup... i'm just going to stand here for a few minutes while the hot water soaks me. about a minute or two later i start scrubbing down, i turn the shower off stepping out of the shower, wrapping a towel around me, leaning forward on the bathroom counter looking into the mirror, only seeing myself as the mess i usually am. i get changed for school, white dress shirt, grey dress pants and a red tie with a dove on it.

i have no filter, i can't feel i can't read people. i just pour myself some cereal and milk and eat in total silence, i put my phone upside down to avoid seeing any messages. the only music i listen to are tracks and i hate listening to them while i get ready making my body chemistry change within moods which feels very uncomfortable.

well brush my teeth and off to school. everyone's still asleep in the house so at least i got some peace and quiet.

Walking to school i see the other students thinking to myself straight away "well this is gonna be great" saying it in my head sarcastically. i walk through the main school archway with the big sign, Duva High School.

Duva Highschool you ask? yes it's swedish for Dove. though my experience with a Duva High School isn't that great there's only one thing that interest me, it has nothing to do with school or the curriculum or all that yarn it's about a girl that went missing without a trace two years ago, only thing i can remember about her was that she was beautiful and the only sweetest soul i have ever met within Duva High School. With a corny way of saying this but i will never forget the warmth of her hand when she saw me in the hall way during class hours grabbing my hand and running with it while my body just follows, looking up. seeing long wavy blond hair heading reflecting off the light coming through the windows of the front double doors.

every day i walk through those doors i picture myself, running through the hallways over and over. Her name, i wish i knew her name... the only time i interacted with her was that moment and the moment we were hiding from the school principal, Principal Hampton who was manning the halls whilst we were legging it well actually i was just caught up in it and so she dragged me away, she did save me after all.

The first time i talked to her i was confused and clueless, the first thing she said was "Mr Hampton" while giggling away putting a smile on my face, the first time i have ever smiled since the third day i started Duva Highschool.

and now... i'm miserable again.

the bell goes off... 2:30pm on the dot, i leave the room relieved taking a deep breath jumping up from my desk, grabbing my back pack my teacher Mrs Lomax calls me, i put my hoodie in and ear phones walking out the class room door. I can hear her calling my name repeatedly, the first step i take out the door i close the door casually as if nothing is going on, the door shuts *clink*as soon as i heard the clink of the door i ran as fast as i could, towards the doors that lead outside i hear through my head phones a clear word "Drew" a girls voice, i stop immediately looking around. I turn around slowly and look back turning my back to the exit, walking backwards slowly, looking around at every corner like someone was watching me. I see a head popping out the side of a hall way......... i hear a voice...... "DYLAN" the first thing i yell out of my mouth "OH SHIT IT'S MRS LOMAX" i turn and tail slamming the double doors out running like the wind is in my side.

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