ch. 8 the weekend

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    After we got breakfast, I looked at my phone. It was almost 12, my mom was going to freak! I told Trey I had to get home. "I have to go, my moms going to be mad I didn't go home last night." He replied, "okay, but hey me and some friends are going to the river today. You wanna come?"

     I didn't know. I had to think about it. I've never been invited to anything, let alone a river. What would we even do there? "What would we do?" I asked. He stared at me like I was dumb. I felt like it. "Well swim, of course," he said with a chuckle. I blushed, embarrassed for acting like a dumbass.

     "Sure, I guess. It's just, I've never been invited to anything." I said, explaining myself. He said, "okay, well now you are. Come on, ill take you home for you to get dressed." We got in his car and headed off to my house.

      When we got there, we walked up the steps to my door. I unlocked it, but hesitated before I opened it. I thought I should warn him, "I don't know of my parents are home or not, but sorry if they are. It might be some yelling." He didn't seem faced. "Its okay, I've herd it before." I cautiously walked in.

      "Mom? Dad? Are you home?" I yelled, getting silence as an answer. I took him to my room. This was awkward. "You can sit on the bed, I just have to get my stuff." He sat down, looking around. I got all my stuff, and quickly texted Summer that I was going to hang out with friends.

   I thought for a second. "Hey can I invite Sarah and Abby?" I didn't want them to think I was ditching them, we were supposed to hang out today. "Sure," he said, "my friend adam said he thought Abby was cute. And Tyler was checking Sarah out. They can come." I quickly texted them to meet us at the river. They said sure, they'll be there in 20.

   "Okay, im ready. Let's go."He stood up, and we walked downstairs and out of the house to his car.

      When we got there, I realized that "some friends" meant a party. I was not going to drink this time. "You can change in the bathroom over there" he said pointing to a house. "Okay," I replied, "let me find Sarah and Abby first." He replied with an okay, and went to talk to his friends which I assumed were Tyler and Adam.

    I turned around and saw my friends getting out of Abbys car. I ran to them. "Hey guys!" I said. "Hey! Im excited! I've never went swimming in a river before! Hey where did you go last night?" Abby said, all in one breath.  I was surprised she didn't pass out.

     "Last night was crazy. Trey uh, you can just say I was safe." They looked at me suspiciously,  then let it go. We walked to the house and walked in and changed. When we walked out, Trey was still talking with Adam and Tyler.

      Tyler saw Sarah and his eyes went wide. He told Adam and Adam stared at Abby. Adam told Trey and Trey looked at me. All of their eyes were sizes of saucers. Maybe it was because we were all in bikinis.

     They walked over to us after fangirling about us. Trey looked at me. Tyler went to talk to Sarah and Adam talked to Abby. "Do you want to go swimming now?" He asked. I was still a little self-conscious, but I said yes anyways.

     He took off his shirt. I stared at his perfectly chiseled 8 pack. His chest was litteraly a sight to see. I think he noticed I was staring, because I saw him smirk. I looked away blushing.

   When we got into the water, it was kinda cold. I was halfway in when I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist, lifting me up out of the water. They whispered something into my ear, "hold your breath," the deep voice said. I knew it was Trey. It took a while for me to comprehend what he said, then at the last moment, I grabbed my nose. I was dunked under the cold water.

     When I came up, I heard him laughing. I didn't know what to do, because I had wrapped myself around him. I just held on and started laughing with him.

     I looked at Abby and Sarah. They both looked happy with Adam and Tyler. I was happy for them.

     We got out of the water, and Trey handed me a towel. I went to go to Abby and Sarah while Trey went to the boys. Abby was smiling alot. We all were. "He is so sweet and nice and cute and his abs and oh my gosh him!" Sarah said happily. I giggled at how she was acting. "Trey was being really sweet guys!" I added. "I think we all have our new crush," Abby said. She was right.

     I saw a bonfire. Trey called us over. I went to sit next to Trey, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me, making me fall on his lap. We stayed like that, laughing and smiling until we had to go. I changed and we got back in the car and left.

       When he dropped me off, he walked me to my door. "Thank you, really. This is the most fun I've had in a while." I said, smiling. "No problem. Well uh, goodnight." He said awkwardly. "Goodnight," I said. I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek. He blushed. We said goodniggt one more time and he left.

      I walked in, and my dad was on the couch. I was walking, when he said, "get your ass over here. I need to talk to you." I was scared, but went anyway.

    "Where the fuck have you been the last two days? You haven't said a goddamn thing to me or your mother. I wouldnt care, it was your mom."

     I started shaking. "I-i was at a party. I stayed the night at Abbys and we hung out all day." I lied.

    "Oh really?" He said standing up walking towards me, you could smell the whiskey on his breath. I was really scared and shaking now.

    I felt something hit my stomach. I was in instant pain. He had punched me in my stomach. "Your worthless" he said. He slapped me. "Piece of shit" he kept saying. I was crying my eyes out by now. I managed to whisper out, "please stop." He looked at me. "Stop? You want me to stop? Sorry angel but I've been wanting to do this the day you were fucking born." I cried harder. He punched me in my face, hard. He kept kicking me while I fell to the ground.

     "Let this be a lesson to you, you little bratty bitch." He left me there and left. I managed to get up and make it to my room. I was still crying. I went to the bathroom, found my razor, and cut alot of deep slits.

    Another night crying myself to sleep, again.


Hi my lovelies! Sorry I havent been updating, alot of stuff is happening but ya know.

Anyways, romance, sadness, crying, depression all in one chapter!

Well I hope you liked it!

And remember: COMMENT, VOTE, FAN!!

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