Chapter Three ./ Kingdom

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One might speculate as to how a woman as young as April did not let the harshness that the universe rubbed on her affect her. She was a host to every adversity that came to her and yet it didn't wear out her gentleness, it only spread like a peacock's array of feathers; leaving the adversity in awe.

It didn't come out of nowhere to her. She bit the fruit of life when it wasn't ripened.

April's birth was a heaven-sent gift to her parents. April's mother would describe it as a flock of angels, draped in silk clothing carrying her down to the earth singing songs of celebrations while swaying her cradle in a rhythmic manner and placing her petite being in her arms.

Her father on the other hand, rejoiced like a mad man running loose from an asylum. It was like a beggar had earned his Thursday's pennies.

Years passed, their daughter remained the apple of their eye just as the first day ever. She had soft dovey eyes like her father, that could coerce a coalition of lions into guiding her way into the forests on their backs. She had the innocence of fat baby squirrels that climb up trees, heeding no attention to their uneven trunk. Sometimes, she would be lost in loops of her thought like a monkey itching his head thoughtfully. But she was as intelligent as a deer making its way out of a predator. All in all, she was a kingdom of realms of nature.

But every kingdom has its downfall. 


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