Savages Vs. Savages ~Part 2~

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“I bring you this horse as a peace offering to the mighty Pocahontas. From the king of England, King James,” John Rolfe said. 

“Daughter,” the chief said as he looked to her and she walked forward. 

“Wha-? You?” John Rolfe said. When he spoke it was as if he ran into her already, and he was surprised. He must have somehow mistaken her name to be the chief’s. 

“This beast is for you,” the chief finished. Pocahontas then went over

and looked at John Rolfe smugly and annoyed as if he was overstepping his boundaries as she took hold of the horse to pet it. 

            “No, I’m sorry…this is my fault,” John Rolfe started awkwardly. “This horse, It’s meant for—“ 

            “Pocahontas, your king said. Or did he speak falsely?” 

            “No!” John Rolfe said quickly. “Never…” He chuckled awkwardly. It was interesting to see the chief this way. So intimidating…even I was a little shaken up and he wasn’t even talking to me. But I found it a little funny, and couldn’t help but silently giggle to myself. “It’s just that— This is –-“ 

            Then both Pocahontas and her father eyed him in an intimidating don’t-waste-our-time sort of look. “No, th-this is perfectly fine,” John Rolfe said lastly and cleared his throat. 

            John Rolfe then decided to continue on with the reason why he was there instead of taking on the unwanted glares of the tribe. “I believe we can prosper together in this great land under King James’ gracious rule. To build trust, I would like you…to sail back with me…to meet my king.” 

            “I do not want the pale chief’s land. He wants mine.” The chief said quickly, stabbing with his words. “Why doesn’t he cross the salt water to see me?” It was amazing to see how strong he stood with his staff in his hand as if he was towering over this unwelcome stranger, ready to call for an attack if need be. But I knew it was because of his daughter that made him tolerant and seemingly compassionate to outsiders. 

            “I’m afraid that simply isn’t done…uh...great chief.” 

 Watching John Rolfe was so painful, he made this whole situation so difficult and awkward that I was even getting tired of seeing him standing there, pitching peace like that annoying salesman who just stands at your front door, not moving, and keeps pushing and pushing, until he sells it to you. Yes, at this moment that’s what John Rolfe was to me. A salesman out on the route for the first time, and reacts poorly under pressure and when things didn’t seem to go as they should have. 

“Your kind are barbarians!” the chief said. “They only want our land! They mean to destroy our sacred—“ 

“Is that what they want?” Pocahontas quickly interjected. “You don’t know. Father, someone must go.” 

“You speak with the tongue of a pale one. You belong with them.” A male tribe member said smugly to Pocahontas. “Perhaps you should go." 

“No!” John Rolfe quickly said. “This is a matter of diplomacy. You can’t handle a job like this.” 

I then shook my head as the palm of my hand flew into contact with my forehead. That was the stupidest thing he could have said, I knew her well enough and whatever encounter they had, he should have been able to tell that if you tell this woman no, it’ll make her even more determined. 

“I will go,” Pocahontas said strongly. 

“Daughter—“ The chief started. 

“Father, please. I can do this.” 

Kingdom Hearts: Paralleled Hearts ~Book 2~(haitus)Where stories live. Discover now