Chapter 2

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Alex and Kaiden both looked at each other, a mischievous grin spread on Alex's face, and an identical one on Kaiden's. They both looked back at Xira before replying "you don't need to ask me twice!" in complete unison. All three of them looked at each other with complete seriousness for a second, before suddenly bursting out into laughter. When they had finished, Xira gave them a quick warning to hold on, and they shot upwards into the sky.

They flew above all the islands in Draekora, Kaiden and Alex both admiring the view, before Xira opened up the inky abrassa and pulled all three of them through. It was a rough ride, but when they emerged on the other side, Kaiden decided the ride was worth it. He doubted Alex hadn't beem through the abrassa before. They were flying above an endless ocean, with the occasional island or sea stack passing by. But what was weird was that all the islands they had passed had no one living on them. And that led to the second weird thing. The islands may have been uninhabited by humans, but they passed a large number of draekons, typically in little flocks. Kaiden decided that this place must be another home for more draekons. But something was still off. Was it the fact that these draekons were smaller that the ones in Medora and Tia Auras? Or was it that these ones were patterned, unlike any other draekons he'd seen before? He noticed that in front of him, Alex seemed to sense something unusual as well, and she had asked Xira a few times, but to receive no response. Even that itself was slightly unusual. Even if Xira had told Alex something mentally, Alex wouldn't be looking so confused and alert. He squeezed her hand with his and she turned back and gave a wary smile before turning back to face forwards.

They seemed to fly in silence for quite a bit, without any rest stops, and at last, after what seemed like an age, Kaiden saw that, to his wonder and amazement, Xira was heading them towards a huge... was that a hole in the sea? He shared a quick, confused glance with his girlfriend in front of him, but before anything else could be exchanged between them, Xira yelled for them to hold on and dived down, into the hole.

"Xiraaaaaa!" Alex yelled. "What are you dooooiiiing?" Kaiden himself was wondering the exact same thing, but Alex's shouts could barely be heard over the roaring waterfall. Kaiden held on tight to Alex, but he was worried that they still might get separated. When they reached the bottom, which was a long was down, Xira navigated through a maze of tunnels that led them out to a large, underground cavern, with pillars of glowing substances and... draekons. Hundreds and thousands of draekons. Some small, the size of a finger, and some massive, the size of a house. And they were all patterned differently. No one draekon had the same pattern. And at the front of the cavern, there was a towering crystal podium, on which sat a black draekon and a white one beside it, and three little baby black-and-white draekons playing behind them. The two adults were both looking down on the inhabitants of the cavern, and Kaiden guessed that they were the leaders of this place.

Xira flew closer to the podium, and Alex, who had come to the same conclusions as Kaiden about the rulers of the underground cove, was trying her best not to yell at Xira. What was he doing? They got their answer there, though, as Xira approached the two smaller, slenderer draekons and started having a conversation. It only lasted for a minute, though, before the black draekon tipped his head back and unleashed a thundering roar.

OK, so you would have to have watched How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World to get my description of, well, the hidden world, but if you haven't watched it, I'm sorry but I tried my best to describe it without rambling on for too long about it. Cos there is so much to describe about that amazing hidden home of the dragons, I just couldn't possibly fit it all into a few words. You have to experience it for yourself. And that is chapter 2 done! See ya guys later!

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