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A/N: Warning this is cussing in this story and later on sexual themes. THIS IS MY ONLY WARNING

2 months. 2 more months until schools over. I walk over to my locker putting the crap I really don't need but school makes me have it in there. I sighed, I really don't think I can do this anymore. Being glad that I somehow got in the same grade as my brother. I mean yea I get teased for being 14 in 11th grade but that just means i'll be getting out earlier than everyone else.  Mikaela has really been a life savior when came to my mechanical class. Yes she knows what she's doing, i'm just learning.  I suddenly felt a push as my back hit the locker behind me. "Hey freak, you know no one likes you here right?" Alison Blake said. I just glared. "I'm kidding, can't you take a joke?" she asked while walking away to her friends. 

I glared as she walked away

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I glared as she walked away. God she can't ever give me a break. I know something is going on with her at home, but why can't she leave me alone. I sighed as I realized there was going to be a bruise on my back from where she pushed me into the locker. I said nothing as I walked to my mechanics class. I sat down next to Mikaela looking sad as ever. I knew she could tell something was wrong. "Hey are you alright, you looked depressed. Who do I have to punch?" she question as I laughed making my mood way better. 

"Everything is fine, it's just Alison again

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"Everything is fine, it's just Alison again. I swear if she doesn't leave me alone i'm gonna punch her before the year is over with." I stated. "Ugh, that bitch? Don't worry in a few weeks she won't be here anymore." she said. "Anyways how's your dad?" I asked being curious. "Everything is fine, the shop is awaiting his arrival." she said. "Do you need help at the shop? I'm free this weekend as always." I stated. She seemed to think for a minute. I'm just silently pleading that she'll say yes. "Well, if you want to you can help or you know do what you want, to hang out." she claimed. "Dang how did you catch on so fast?" I questioned. "*laughs* I know you better than you think." she said. We then talked more the whole period while working on our motorcycle engine. The bell finally rang signaling the end of the day. I really didn't realized that we talked so much that time seemed to go by so fast. I quickly ran out of the school spotting my dad's green car. I got in the back knowing that if I called shotgun that Sam would just bitch, then my dad would take his side making me move. Sam finally got out of the building throwing his book bag in my chest no even sparring a glance my way hell not even saying 'sorry for hitting you sis'. I just glared at the back of his head all the way home. I just made my way to my bedroom as my parents and Sam somehow ignored me. I finished whatever I had for home work. My mom came and got me for dinner. We had a decent dinner, me and Sam didn't argue tonight for the first time in forever.  We all helped put things away we made jokes to each other. I loved nights like these. We seem to never have good nights like this anymore. If we do have nights like this it's about every two weeks. Going to sleep was some how very easy tonight. Once my head hit the pillow I was out. 


I was surrounded by darkness though everything was comfy. Then suddenly I was moving down. After awhile in this position I felt this weird sensation on my head. All of a sudden I was no longer warm, I was cold and covered in gunk. The only thing I could do is cry out. I was suddenly picked up by someone familiar. I instantly stopped crying and snuggled to the slightly bigger chest. We stayed like that for awhile until I stopped feeling her. I was picked up by whom I assume is my father. I heard crying, so I cried. Then I realized that the person gave birth to me just died. I can't feel the bond we had. I opened my two different colored optics as I cried. I then see two teenage robots run in crying. These two must be my brothers. My father no longer cried as he got me to calm down. "Sire, what happened to carrier?" The one with blue and red armor asked. "My younglings your mother has been brought to the well of sparks. I trust that we can take care of our new arrival." Sire said. The bigger, silver one came up to me first. I looked into his beautiful blue optics as he stared into my two colored ones. I was so scared he was going to reject me. He then picked me up and I snuggled to his chest. "What are we going to name her sire?" He asked. "Hmm, I don't have the slightest clue Megatronus what about you Orion?" Sire asked. "How about Paradox?" this Orion asked. I clicked at the name instantly liking it. "Paradox it is." Sire said happily. 

~Time skip~

It's been a few decafeebs (months) since i've been born. Sire has passed away. I bet you're wondering how I know this. Well I felt our bond snap. I cried for cycles (hours) I could not calm down. One of Megatronus's friends had to calm be down. I think his name was Soundwave. I remembered snuggling into his chest after calming down. I've never been in so much pain. Well carriers death was hurtful but I was newly sparked and I still had one creator alive.

~Time skip~ 

I was in an escape pod. I remember being in the autobot base sleeping next to Bumblebee next thing I know i'm in space. I then hear something coming my way. It was a huge meteor. I remember crashing and pain. So much pain. I could feel my bonds to my brothers almost snap. But not fully.


I quickly shot out of bed sweat covering my form tears rolling down my eyes. I checked the time, 4:30 am. I might as well take a shower. I got my things ready in the bathroom locking the door. I took a glance outside the window. "I wonder if that was ever real."

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