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This is dedicated to: @JanjaFan

It was rough night last night. When Mikaela returned I didn't say anything. "Are you still up for meeting the girls tomorrow for lunch?" she asked. "Yeah, but can just me and you go clothes shopping for me real quick before we go?" I asked. "Of course my dear house guest."  Mikaela joked.  We both laughed. "Okay, i'm going to go get ready." I said getting ready.

(Pretend her shirt isn't dirty

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(Pretend her shirt isn't dirty.)

I walked out into the living room ready to wait on Mikaela but she was already done, waiting for me. "Aria and Audrey are at the mall." Mikaela said. When we got to the mall all the girls started spoiling me. Apparently Mikaela told them what happened between my parents and where i'm going. We decided to eat at burger king which is weird since I thought they hated burger king. We sat outside laughing at each other until something caught my eye. "Oh my god!" I said. The girls looked at where I was looking. There Sam was, riding mom's bike. When he got right in front of us the bike flipped him over because there was a crack. "Wow Sam, cool move." Mikaela said. We all laughed at his flushed face. "Sorry, can't talk. I'm being chased by my car!" Sam screamed. I'm not gonna lie he needs to go to a physic ward or something. But I do enjoy him looking so stupid. We all laughed at him again when he left. But I saw something suspicious the Camaro he had was indeed following him. "Mikaela i'll meet with you later I have to do something." I said as I gathered my stuff and left following the Camaro. Little did I know a certain decepticon and Mikaela. The cop car that was following me stopped in front of me.
"Get in kid." Barricade's holoform said.

I got into Barricade and held on for dear life. When got to Sam I panicked. "Don't let him see me!!! I don't want him to know I am here." I said. "Don't worry youngling. Stay in my subspace and he'll won't see you." Barricade said. And true to his word when he started to interrogate Sam he couldn't see me. We tried following him when he got away but Sam's car transformed into another giant alien. That's it, i'm losing my mind. What kind of crack did I consume? Anyways I stayed hidden as Barricade's ass got handed to him. I waited I kid you not 50 minutes before I grabbed the remains of Frenzy's body and got into Barricade. He told me that they needed the glasses. So I, unwillingly, went back to my house and you'll never believed what happened. Mom yelled at me. "Serina! Where the hell have you been?" She yelled. "What are you going on about mom! You know I have been staying with Mikaela away from you! Because you seem to want my life to be ruined!" I yelled back at her. That when it happened she slapped me. Everything was silent for a moment. "I hate you." Was what I said to her. I held my cheek as I went to Sam's door. I tried to open it but it was locked. That when the ground started shaking and the power went out. I heard mom and dad come up here. I ran to my room I did not want to deal with them. I heard lots of yelling and how mom thought Sam was masturbating. After that there was banging at the door I stayed in my room for almost 15 minutes when men in black invaded my room. This man who looked like he was in charge held a device to me. The device literally exploded in his hands. They handcuffed me and forced me into the car. Now I did put up a huge fight, I broke one of the men's nose. The agent and my brother were going back and forth. They were somewhat arguing. "Ugh, you guys don't listen to him. He's just pissy because he has to get back to his shift at the mall security." Mikaela said roasting him. I snorted at her. "You in the training bra. I suggest you stop talking, especially with your daddy's parol coming up." He said. Everybody was silent. So I did what any normal person would do for their friend. I kicked him square in the jaw. He turned around and hit with the butt of his gun three times. I glared at his sorry ass. He has no idea who will get him for hurting me. I stayed silent while the dumbass driving literally ran into a big ass alien's foot. In my mind all I had to say was this "What the hell we gon do now?". Then this dude's hand ripped the top of the SUV clean off. "Taking the children was a bad move." His deep robotic voice said. "Holy shit." I said. "Gentlemen meet my friend, Optimus Prime!" Sam exclaimed. "Autobots! relieve them of their weapons." Optimus said. Out of no where more aliens approached the area. The guns went flying to them. "Hi there." Mr.IcandowhatIwantbadge  said. "You don't seem afraid, are you not surprised to see us?" Optimus questioned. "Look there are S 7's protocols okay. I'm not authorized to communicate with you except to tell you I can't communicate with you." Mr.IcandowhatIwantbadge said. "Get out of the car." Optimus said with a sneer. "Me?" Mr.IcandowhatIwantbadge asked. "NOW!" Optimus said. I'm not gonna lie. The way he said it made me a little scared. The agents kept telling each other to get out. As we got out Mikaela undid Sam's cuffs while I attempted to get them off. I got them off as fast as I could but my wrists had cuts in them. "Your good with handcuffs too now huh?" Sam questioned Mikaela but it seemed more directed at me. If I could punch Sam right then and there I would have done it. "You weren't supposed to hear all that."Mikale explained. "Oh yeah." Sam said sarcastically. "Sam, I have a record because I wouldn't turn my dad in. When have you had to sacrifice anything in your perfect little life?" Mikaela questioning him. "Big guys, big guys with big guns." Mr.IcandowhatIwantbadge trembled. I walked up to him. "What is Sector 7?" I questioned. "Answer her." Sam said. "I'm the one who asks the questions around here. NOT YOU YOUNG LADY!" He yelled in my face. "How did you know about the aliens?" Mikaela asked. "WHERE IS OUR PARENTS?" Sam asked. "I am not at liberty to discuss that. Hey you touch me that's a federal defense." He said as I went inside his jacket to grab his badge. "Do whatever I want and get away with it badge right." I said. "Yeah brave all the sudden with giants alien friends here right." he said to me. "Where is Sector 7?" I asked. "Wouldn't you like to know." He sassed me. Oh heck no he ain't bout that life. I slapped the crap out of him." woah woah woah hey calm down he can't do anything right? Don't assault the poor man right now you can do that later." Mikaela said calming me down. They yellow alien behind him took something off in his pelvic area and started to "pee" on the man. I was laughing so hard I couldn't hear them talk. Mikale and I hand cuffed all the men together next to the railroad. "Alright tough guy take it off." Mikaela said. "What are you talking about." He replied. "You clothes all of it off." Mikaela demanded. "For what?" He questioned. "For threatening my dad." She said. "Need some help here? I would love to get payback for my possible broken nose." I said. Mr.IcandowhatIwantbadge started taking his clothes off going on about this is the end of our life. We all three handcuffed him behind a poll. "I will hunt down."Mr.IcandowhatIwantbadge said. "He will hunt you down." His parrot said. "Without any remorse!" Mr.IcandowhatIwantbadge said. "NO REMORSE!" Mr.Parrot said. Before I walked completely away I went to the agent and kicked in his balls HARD. "THAT'S FOR BREAKING MY NOSE!" I yelled walking away. Cars and helicopters started following us. Optimus picked all three of us up and ran hiding under a bridge. Optimus shifted and Mikaela fell. I grabbed her by her arm and noticed I was slipping. I yanked her with all my strength she was on Optimus shoulder but I was falling down. "SERINA!" both SAM and Mikaela yelled at me. Optimus tried catching me with his foot but that didn't happen. I closed my eyes not wanting to accept that this is how I die. I felt something soft catch me. I opened my eyes to see adorable blue ones staring at me. I then hear Sam and Mikaela scream. They both had somehow lost balance and and was falling down. I was set aside as the yellow and black alien caught both of them. Sector 7 then started attacking us. "LET HIM GO!" I yelled as Sam and Mikaela was no where to be seen. I started attacking the agents trying to freeze the poor yellow alien. Someone grabbed my left hand and twisted my arm painfully. Someone then hit me in the back of my head and I was knocked out. Damn you heart for being soft.

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