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(So, um I forgot what's happens in transformers and I'll have to go back and watch it. And happy fourth)

It was Friday, finally. I can let loose. I have been avoiding Sam and my parents all week. Mikaela has helped me hide everytime we see them. I don't think I can ever go back to them. Or call them family. I can't ever trust Sam ever again. I've lost respect for both my parents. Mikaela explained my situation to her dad and is gladly letting me stay as well as saying if he can, get legal guardianship of me. It was the period before my mechanical class. God I hate this class, not cause of the people in it. No, Mrs.Smith. Gosh she can't teach, yes she's a good person but i'm not learning anything! I know your probably wondering why I would want to learn. Well, I at least want to get a good grade so I can not have her again. But guess what?! She's failing everyone in her class! Like how is that even possible. But I'm not too mad at her, oh no. She's about to have a grandchild. So that means the rest of the year she'll be gone(hopefully). The bell finally rings and I sprint out of the class going to my locker. I sigh when I hear foot steps behind me. I turned around meeting Alison. "Why are you even here Witwicky? I mean nobody likes you so why are you hanging around anyway?" Alison said to me. I roll my eyes and walk away. "Bitch." I muttered. "What did you call me?" She screeched.

I walked to Mikaela knowing well that if i'm with her she'll leave me alone

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I walked to Mikaela knowing well that if i'm with her she'll leave me alone. "I swear you need to fight that bitch before you go. Or I'll end up with you." Mikaela stayed while glaring at Alison. "Can we go to class?" I asked ready for the day to be over with. "Sure, hopefully Mrs.Wight's not here." Mikaela said while trying to keep her cool. We walk to the door the see a note on it. 'Dear students, I will not be here today, please make your way to Mr.Hosney's room.' "Oh no. Sam's in that class! Mikaela I can't go in there. Mr.Hosney will probably make us sit together! I have to skip it." I said freaking out. "Well you can't just skip. If your not here he'll count you absent, then Mrs.Wright will give you a zero because she'll look at the other teachers absent counts." Mikaela explained trying to get me to calm down. "Alright fine. I'll go, but if I have to sit next to momma's boy i'll cause a scene." I said. We walked to Mr.Hosney's classroom. "Hello ladies, I see you were almost late. Please take a seat." Mr.Hosney said while some of the dumb students laughed. Mikaela and I walked to the back of the class next Trent, though on some days I hate him because he's a prick. But that was before me and the family's fight. "Miss.Witwicky I advise you to sit next to your brother." Mr.Hosney said. "Ha, you thought I was about sit next to momma's boy." I said out loud. "Miss.Witwicky please don't cause a scene. Just do as I ask." Mr.Hosney said. "Go ahead and count me absent. I'm not staying in this dirty rotting classroom anyways." I said while walking out of the classroom. I knew I couldn't stay here so I made my way to Mikaela's house. I got ready for the party because I have nothing better to do.

 I got ready for the party because I have nothing better to do

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