.:New Characters:.

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If you guys want a character, let me know I'll write them in. I added these guys because I felt like the Imagines were too empty.


.:Meeting This Dude:.

Jack Torrence:.

The relationship started rocky. 

Originally you were Danny's babysitter. Cliche, yes, but it was true. You were always wary of Jack, mostly because he tended to have crazy episodes, he would throw things around and get violent and you were a pretty timid girl so you weren't about that life, though you would be lying if you said you weren't drawn to him. Wendy was a good person, but she could tend to be overbearing with her overprotective personality. With those odds against you have no idea even to this day why you said yes to going to the Outlook with the Torrence family. 

After a few months in the hotel, Jack went insane... luckily you were able to calm him down, so he didn't try to murder anyone...at least not Wendy or Danny, but it cost you your "freedom". As soon as you were able to leave the hotel, Jack divorced Wendy and threatened to hurt them and your family if you didn't date him. He vowed that after a year if you didn't love him he would let you go, but when the year passed you stayed. It might've been a rough start, but he was sweet when he wanted to be. Everyone has issues





Billy Loomis:.

"What's your favorite horror movie?"

"Freddy V.S. Jason."


"Yeah, it's funny, sad, and has some really cool deaths."

Beep Beep

"'Scuse me, that's my popcorn. You're the horror movie killer person right?"


"Want some popcorn before you kill me?"


With that, you had a masked killer in your house, eating popcorn, watching Freddy V.S. Jason, which lead to more movie nights, which lead to dating a crazy psycho. Happy ending?

Norman Bates:.

You were just a small town girl, living in a lonely world, you took a midnight train going anywhere. That midnight train took you to Oregon. White Pine Bay, Oregon. You were making your way to California to make your mark as a singer, but the train stopped in Oregon. The next train to California wouldn't be ready for another week, something about damage to the tracks delaying the trip.

You did the only thing you could think of, get a motel. The only motel close enough was The Bates Motel. You paid money, signed in, and stayed in Oregon, but when the time came to leave, you just couldn't bring yourself to. You see, the owner was a guy named Norman Bates. He was a really sweet and handsome guy and you two really hit it off. His mother even liked you. She was a little crazier and in your opinion, really scary.

After a few months of helping around the motel, getting to know Norman more, and inevitably getting a little crush on him, he asked you out. You 100% turned into a blushing and stuttering mess.

.:Nicknames For Him:.

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