.: The One Thing They ___ That ___ (#2) :.

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The One Thing They Do That Annoys You


- Refuses to ever try to talk about why he's upset and it just ends in screaming matches

Jason Gore-hees:.

- Hogs the sheets

Micky Mouse:.

- Stabs the outside house wall when he's angry

The Possessed Doll:.

- Leaving his doll and human shoes eVERYWHERE

(high-five if you read my other book and get the reference) 

Lucky Penny:.

- Ruining your clothes with blood, sometimes cold water and peroxide can't get rid of the shIT EATING GRIN IMPRINT ON MY FAVORITE LACE SHIRT

Jacky Boi:.

- Sometimes going on tangents about Wendy for no rEASon


- Stabbing people for wearing the wrong color when he's angry

Normal Bait:.

- When he locks himself in his mother's bedroom, you never know if it's him or Norma, but sometimes you're running the Motel alone for a few days before he comes out.

The Boy In The Walls:.

- He doesn't help with chores

Cannibal Hecter:.

- He tells you that you're going out 30 minutes before you're supposed to go, especially if it's somewhere like the Opera, just so he can catch his prey on time


-Very little annoys you about this big boy

-You do get just a bit upset when he doesn't throw his apron in the basket correctly, it falls on the ground and gets covered in dirt so now it's a gross mess of blood and dirt and it's an extra step in the laundry, but he's so sweet you can't really be mad

Bug Spit:.

- He's him

- But seriously, when he flirts with anything that has some sort of sex appeal.

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