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-Screaming matches

-Crying out of frustration

-Somehow hurting yourself to wake up

-Not sleeping for as long as humanly possible


- Silent treatment

- You being sad and angry and confused about what to do

-Passive-aggressiveness when you finally break and talk

-It ending in you returning home and him storming into the woods


- Growls and grunts

- The rare words being exchanged in an aggressive tone

- Being intimidated, but never backing down

- Tables being destroyed with his knife getting stabbed down when you frustrate him


- Him brushing everything off

- Till you say something that sets him off

- Threatening gestures

- Getting scared and locking yourself in the room


-Him making fun of your anger

-But when he's angry it's no laughing matter

-"Are you scared (Y/n)? Are you scared yet?"

-Leaving in tears from fright and hurt


-Mostly onesided, he gets easily upset

-Always keeping an eye on the Axe

-Him taking notice and it sending him into even more of a rage

-Hiding in the bathroom for the rest of the night as he destroys as much as he can


-Him rolling his eyes

-Calm, but angry tones

-Stabbing whatever was closest to you

-Never backing down, only ending the argument when you grow tired and see there's no solution


-Mostly Norma just telling you that you're incompetent

-Most of the time Norman agreeing

-Crying from being brought down

-Locking yourself in a room for the rest of the day

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