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The whole Seven cycled as fast as they could after the disappearing figure in navy blue, ringing their bells loudly to attract her attention.

The figure reached the corner, and vanished round it. When they came to it, the girl was nowhere to be seen. The Seven dismounted from their bicycles and looked at one another.

'Wherever has she gone? She's nowhere down the road!' said Janet. 'She must have slipped into some hiding-place. But I can't see any near by.'

' Yes, look - there's that ruined old cottage,' said Colin, pointing. 'Can't you see it - among that little thicket of trees. I bet's she's there!'

'We'll go and look,' said George, and, putting their bicycles beside the hedge, they squeezed through a gap and ran over to the old stone cottage. It had very little roof left, and there were only two rooms belowand one above. A broken stone stairway went up in one corner to the one room above.

'There's nobody here!' said Pam, surprised. Oh, but look - there's an old stone stairway. Perhaps she's up there!'

George ran up - and gave a shout. 'The girl isn't here - but her suit-case is! And it's got E.M.W.S. on it! It was Elizabeth we saw!'

Everyone tore up the stairs in a hurry. They looked at the cheap little suit-case on the dirty floor. Yes - it certainly had E.M.W.S. printed on it in black.

'Elizabeth Mary Wilhemina Sonning,' said Barbara, touching the initials. 'But where is Elizabeth?' She called loudly. 'Elizabeth! Where are you?'

There was no reply. 'That's queer,' said Janet. "There really isn't anywhere for her to hide here. Why did she throw her case up these stairs and then rush away. She might guess we'd find it. Where is she? Elizabeth!'

'I'm going to open the case,' said Peter. 'I feel there's something peculiar about all this. I hope it isn't locked.'

It wasn't. It snapped open easily enough. The Seven crowded round to look inside. One small box was there, and nothing else. It was tied up with string.

'Perhaps this is the money she stole!' said Colin. 'Gosh - look! It's got "the money" printed on it in big letters. Open the box, Peter.'

Peter undid the string and opened the box. Inside was a smaller one, also tied with string. He undid that, and inside found once again another box. He looked puzzled. It seemed strange to put money inside so many boxes!

He opened the third box - and inside that was a card, laid on its face. Peter picked it up and turned it over. He stared at it as if he couldn't believe his eyes!

'What does it say? What does it say?' cried Pam, trying to see.

Peter flung it down on the floor and stamped on it, looking very angry. 'It says "Lots and lots of love from Susie" oh! I'd like to slap her! Making us chase after her - leaving that silly hanky by the stile -and making us undo all those boxes!'

The Secret Seven were very, very angry, especially Jack. 'How dare she play a trick like that!' he said. 'Just wait till I get home. I'll have something to say to her!'

'Where's she gone?' said Barbara. 'I didn't see her after we turned the corner. She must have had her bicycle hidden somewhere here.'

'She planned it all very well,' said George. 'I must say she's jolly clever. Gosh - I really did think we'd got hold of Elizabeth that time!'

'Susie must have laughed like anything when she printed the initials E

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'Susie must have laughed like anything when she printed the initials E.M.W.S. on that cheap old suitcase,' said Jack. 'I recognize it now - it's been up in our loft for ages.'

'Well, come on - let's get home,' said Janet. Tm tired of talking about Susie.'

They left the little ruined cottage and rode away. Peter began to arrange the night's meeting with George, Jack, and Colin. The girls were sad that they could not come too.

'You always leave us out of these night adventures,' complained Janet. 'I do so wish we were coming. It will be so exciting to wait in that dark garden - let me see - there will be five of you counting that boy Tom - though I really do think it's a pity to have him, too.'

"There may be a policeman or two as well,' said George. 'I vote we get there before they do - or they'll get rather a shock when they hear a whole collection of people taking up their positions here and there in the garden!'

Everyone laughed. 'Don't you dare to let anything out to Susie about to-night,' Peter warned Jack. 'We can't have her ruining everything. I do wonder how Elizabeth gets into the house. She must have an extra key.'

They arranged to meet at ten-past ten at the corner, and bicycle all together to Belling. 'We'll hide our bikes under the nearby hedge and get into the garden at the back,' planned Peter. 'Remember to hoot if there's any danger.'

'This is awfully exciting,' said Jack. 'I only hope Susie doesn't hear me getting up and going downstairs.'

'Jack-if you do anything silly so that Susie follows you, I'll dismiss you from the Secret Seven!' said Peter - and he really meant it!

SECRET SEVEN MYSTERY by Enid BlytonWhere stories live. Discover now