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The four boys belonging to the Secret Seven overslept the next morning. They were so tired from their long watch the night before! Janet was cross when Peter wouldn't wake, because she was longing to know what happened!

'Gosh - I'll be terribly late for school,' groaned Peter, leaping out of bed.' You might have waked me before, Janet.'

'Well, I squeezed a sponge of cold water over you, and yelled in your ear, and pulled all the clothes off!' said Janet indignantly. 'And Scamper barked his head off. What more would you like me to do? And what happened last night?'

'Nothing. Absolutely nothing!' said Peter, dressing hurriedly. 'I mean, we didn't get Elizabeth - she got into the house, took what she wanted, and got out again - and disappeared. And although there were seven people altogether in the garden, watching, nobody saw her. So you see - nothing happened. all right, mother! i'm just coming.'

He tore downstairs with his mother still calling him, ate his breakfast standing up, and then cycled to school at top speed. He yelled to Janet as he left her at the corner.

'Meeting to-night at five-thirty. Tell Pam and Barbara!'

The meeting was not very thrilling. After such high hopes of something really exciting happening the night before, everyone felt flat. Pam made them all cross by saying that if she had hidden in the garden she would certainly have heard or seen Elizabeth creeping by.

*You must have fallen asleep,' she said. 'You really must. I mean - seven of you there! And nobody heard a thing! I bet you fell asleep.'

'Be quiet,' said Peter, crossly. 'You don't know what you're talking about, Pam. Now don't start again. be quiet, I say!'

'Well,' said Pam, obstinately, 'all I can say is that if Elizabeth really didn't get in or out, and it seems like that to me, or you'd have heard her - then she must be hiding in some jolly good place inside the house.'

'The police searched all over it,' said Peter. 'I did think of that bright idea myself - but I gave it up when the policeman hunted all through the cottage last night without finding Elizabeth. After all, it's only a small place - no cellars - no attics. We did hear one thing of interest, though. The brother who's in France is arriving in this country to-day. Maybe he'll have something to say that will be of help.'

'Well - why don't you go and see him, then?' said Pam, who was in a very persistent mood that day

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'Well - why don't you go and see him, then?' said Pam, who was in a very persistent mood that day. ' You could tell him what you know - about Tom the stable-boy seeing Elizabeth in Gorton, for instance.'

' H'm. That's the first sensible remark you've made, Pam,' said Peter. He turned to Jack. 'Will you come with me, Jack? I'd like to see the brother, I must say.'

'Wuff-wuff-wuff!' said Scamper, suddenly.

'Now what's the matter?' said Peter, whose late night had made him decidedly impatient that day. 'What's Scamper barking for? If it's Susie I'll have a few sharp words to say to her about playing that fat-headed trick on us with the suit-case!'

It was Susie. She stood grinning at the door when Peter opened it. 'Mint Sauce!' she said promptly. 'Let me in. I've some clues - great big ones. I know where Elizabeth is and what she's doing. I. . .'

'You do not!' yelled a furious Peter, and called for Jack. 'Jack-pull her by the hair all the way home. Pam, Barbara, Janet - get hold of her frock and pull too. Come on! Get going!'

And for once in a way the cheeky Susie was taken by surprise and found herself being dragged to the gate, and not very gently either!

'All right!' she yelled, kicking and hitting out as vigorously as she could. 'I shan't tell you my big clues. But you'll see I'm right! And I know your password, see! Mint sauce, Mint sauce, Mint sauce!'

She disappeared up the lane, and the Seven went back to the shed, feeling better for the excitement. 'Now we shall have to alter our password,' said Peter, in disgust. 'How did Susie know it, Jack?

Have you been saying it in your sleep, or something?'

'No,' said Jack, still angry. 'She must have hidden somewhere near the shed and heard us saying it Blow Susie! You don't think she really does know something, do you?'

'How can she?' said Peter. 'And why can't you keep her in order? If Janet behaved like that I'd jolly well spank her.'

'You would not? said Janet, indignantly. 'You just try it!'

'Gosh - we really are crosspatches to-day!' said Barbara, surprised

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'Gosh - we really are crosspatches to-day!' said Barbara, surprised. 'The boys must be tired after their late night! Well - have we any plans?'

'Only that Jack and I will go and see Elizabeth's brother, if he's arrived at the grandmother's,' said Peter, calming down. 'He'll be sure to go there, because his sister is known to be somewhere near. Come on, Jack - I'm fed up with this meeting. Let's go!'

SECRET SEVEN MYSTERY by Enid BlytonWhere stories live. Discover now