Chapter Twenty

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I wake up and feel arms around my waist. I roll over a little, trying not to hurt my ribs and look at Jake. He opens his eyes and smiles.

"I'm sorry that I ruined our date." I said frowning. We haven't been able to go on that date because of my accident.

"How about last night was a date and we can have and other one right here tonight? Take out, movie, cuddling?" He asks causing me to nod.

"I'd like that."

"Me too. I'mma go and get some clothes and I'll be back okay?" He said kissing me on the head. "Need anything?"

"Can you get some candy and soda?"

"Sure." He got up and put his shoes on.

"I'll be right back." He said walking out the room I grabbed my phone and texted Brennen.

Me: Hey can you help me up?

Bren: Yeah

Half a minute later my door opened and Brennen walked in.

"I'm in a sports bra and sport shorts." I said taking the covers off. I sat up slowly trying not to sit up to fast. Brennen grabbed my crutches and helped me up.

"Thanks." I mumbled and he helped e to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth. I washed my face then Brennen helped me back to my room. I layed in bed and covered myself up.

"Thanks Brennen."

"Uh I'mma go see my mom, sister and brother."

"Okay, be safe." I said and done he walked out the room.

The rest of the day was uneventful until around 4:34 pm, when Jake came back. He set the candy and soda on the floor next to the bed and took his shirt off. He grabbed the remote to the TV and crawled in bed with me. I smiled as he turned on a random movie
The rest of the night we watched random movies, drank soda and eat candy. Brennen got home around midnight and went straight to bed. Jake and I stayed up till 4 in the morning watching movies until I fell asleep.

I woke up and Jake was gone. I tried to get up but fell to the ground because I didn't have my crouches. Brennen rushes in seconds later and I groan in pain a and Brennen rushes over to me.

"Maggie? What happened?" He asks helping me up.

"I tried to get up." I said sitting on my bed.

"I'll get you breakfast." He said and I nodded.

After I ate breakfast I invited the girls even Kat and Devyn. Once they all showed up we all sag on my bed talking.

"Let's do each others nails!" Devyn said. We got everything and Kat wanted to do my nails so I let her.

"Black?" And I nod. We all sat there talking about girl stuff while doing out nails.

"Remember in sex ed-" Brooklyn started and I interupted.

"In middle school and our band teacher, Mr. Neeley walked in on us and-"

"Saw a drawing of a tampon and thought it was something else-" Callie started.

"And he turned around and walked out-" Maya continued.

"And we all started laughing so hard." Grace finishes and no we and all started laughin. Katrina finished my nails and we put all the stuff up.

We put music on and talked about high school memories until it was midnight. They all left and I got comfortable in my bed. And believe me, I was tired. It was my first night without Jake and I felt a little lonely. I put some music on but not to loud and soon I was asleep.

"Ouji we are here."

"Is anyone here?" Colby asked. Colby and I were playing the ouji board because we were bored. The planchette moved to 'yes' and I smiled.

"What's your name?" I asked. 'J,A,M,E,S' and I gasped.

"Dad?" I asked and the planchette moved to 'yes'

"Really?" And I nodded.

"Was it painful?" 'No'

"I'm sorry I didn't spend a lot of time with you! I was scared, I didn't want to see you like that." I said a tear rolling down my face. 'Okay'

"Maggie...." Colby said.

"I miss you." 'Yes' He did too.

"I love you" 'same'

"Goodbye." I removed my fingers and cried and Colby held me as I did.

I woke up all sweaty and breathing heavily, it hurt my lungs and my ribs. I grabbed my phone and dialed Jake. It went to voice mail. So I tried Colby, after three rings it picked up.

'Hello?' I heard his raspy voice say. He was asleep. I look at my alarm clock and see that it's 5 in the morning.

"Colby?" I barley got out. I was trying to calm myself down but I couldn't.

'Maggie what's wrong?' He said. I heard him shift and I took a deep breath.

"I had a dream where you and I were playing the board and we talked to my dad." I took deep breathes and sat up. I threw my blanket off me and reached over to turn my fan on.

'M, it's okay, it wasn't real.'

"But I wish it was! Colbs, I didn't spend time with him because I was scared! I didn't want to lose him and now I regret it! I just-" I couldn't finish because I broke down sobbing.

'Be there in 5, I have a key.' I heard shuffling then the line went dead.

By the time he got here I was still sobbing. He crawled over to me and hugged me. I leaned my head on his chest and he talked to me.

"There's nothing you can do now, he's in a better place."

"Yeah cause the cancer kicked his ass and made him really weak. He got so skinny so fast, he couldn't walk or eat. He couldn't get out of bed for shit!" I cried, frustrated. He nodded his head and played with my hair.

"He was fine then it and look went to shit. Vomiting blood, his cancer was stage four and he survived years and then and then....." I couldn't finish because I hiccuped. "Then he got put on hospice and the on December 14, at 7:14 in the morning. I got a call and was told he was gone." I said sobbing some more.

Colby put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up to look at him. He wiped my tears and no looked me in the eye.

"No one could've helped him. You couldn't have helped him. He's not in pain anymore, Maggie."

"He stopped chemo and I cried for two days straight and I knew his cancer was going to get worst. I knew he was going to pass 0. His cancer grew pancreatic, stage four. I'm so sorry I called you and bothered you"

"You're fine." He hugged me and layed me down. I closed my eyes and felt him get up

"Thanks." I mumbled and let a little bit more of my tears flow.

"No problem, sis." And with that he left and I was back asleep.

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