Chapter 6

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It was when Mark and Ms. Yoon were discussing about the proposals they needed to present to the board of the directors, who was going to make the main decisions, during Jinyoung's absence, that a phone call came to Mark from the hospital.

Mark excused himself to take the call; a part of him was anxious as he barely had got calls from the hospital, and another part was hopeful about good news.

It happened to be a call to inform him that Jinyoung was conscious now and he could come meet him.

He wasted no time; after telling Ms. Yoon the reason, he left the company to head for the hospital.

He was empty-handed when he arrived at the hospital, as he had been in a rush and forgot to buy anything for Jinyoung.

When he entered the room, he saw the doctor and a nurse on each side of the bed, doing the minor checks.

He approached them quite hesitantly and stood a bit far from them. Jinyoung was awake but had not noticed Mark's presence yet.

"Everything's good now," the doctor said to Jinyoung, "But you still need full rest. Don't let yourself be stressed out."

Jinyoung gave a weak nod; he felt like he had been back from death. They said he had been in a coma for three months. It was quite a long time and yet some of what had happened was still vivid in his head, haunting him.

Another person appeared beside the bed and Jinyoung's eyes set on Mark.

"You're here," the doctor turned to Mark, "You can be relieved now, he's alright. Tomorrow, he can leave the hospital. But make sure he's enough rest and follows the medication."

"Yes, I'll, doctor. Thank you."

"If something goes wrong, like terrible headaches, take him back here as soon as possible."

"I see, doctor."

"As of now, I'll leave him to you. You must want to talk. If anything happens, inform us quick."

Mark nodded and watched the doctor and nurse leave the room. He felt Jinyoung's eyes on him and somehow felt awkward. He turned back to Jinyoung and took the seat beside the bed.

"How're you feeling now?" Mark asked, gently.


"I was so worried about you," said Mark, "I thought I'd lost you forever. Do you know how long you've been here? Altogether three months. It's a miracle that you're awake now."

Mark reached for Jinyoung's hand and held it against his face. He was quite surprised that Jinyoung did not struggle.

"Everyone was worried about you. Wonpil visited you so often. I haven't told him yet that you're conscious now."

"Thank you for saving me. But you didn't need to."

"Don't say that. I couldn't be thankful enough that I was given that chance. Somehow, I've to thank Kim Daewon. Because of him, you weren't on that plane. The police has already got the CCTV footage of him carrying you away near the airport. He's mentally ill."

Jinyoung's face fell; he felt suffocated to think of what had happened and to be informed that someone had turned out like that, because of him.

"Jinyoung? I'm sorry if you don't want to hear this. And don't worry about the company. We're handling it quite well. Begin working again only after you've fully recovered."

Jinyoung could not understand why Mark was being too nice to him. Was it because of his weak state? If it was the case, he did not want this treatment.

His hand was still in Mark's grasp and he pulled it away. Mark slightly raised his eyebrows but did not say anything.

Silence fell afterwards but Mark broke it, asking, "Do you want to sleep?"

"I've been alseep for three months."

"I mean if you want to rest or be alone. I'll be outside in the corridor, if you want time for yourself."

"Do as you want."

Mark thought for a moment, "I'm staying here then."

Jinyoung might want to see Wonpil, instead of him. And he should have understandingly called Wonpil to come here. But he ignored this conscience. He still couldn't get enough of Jinyoung.

"You'll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. All the servants will be so happy to see you back. They talk about you a lot. They miss you."

Jinyoung had to admit that he missed them too. They were the only family he had got now. And Mark. Jinyoung had missed him as well. Even amid the torture he had been suffering from, Mark had occupied a certain amount of his mind.

But he had no desire neither to show that nor to follow his own feelings. He did not want another Daewon in his life.

Once the daily routine started again, he and Mark, they would be back to how they used to be before. The two people who could not stand each other. He would choose that way rather than commiting the same mistake again.

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