Chapter 7

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"I brought your car," Mark said to Jinyoung, "I'll drive you home."

Jinyoung gave a nod and said, "Wait for me outside."

When Mark was out of the room, Jinyoung took off his hospital clothing, to wear his clothes Mark had brought from home. It was nice to feel like a normal person again, in casual clothes, after having been a patient for a long time.

Mark was just by the door, when Jinyoung came out. Barely any words said as they left the hospital and Mark led him to the car.

Only when his old car came into sight, did he feel what a long time it had been since the last time he had been with it. Everything after he had entered the car was like repeating the old memories - Mark beside him, there in the driver seat.

Jinyoung gazed out of the window; the sight of the city looked more fascinating to him than it normally would.

"Do you want to eat anything in particular?" asked Mark.


"That's better," said Mark, with a smile to himself.

As much as Mark looked charming in his navy blue shirt, Jinyoung made sure his eyes did not linger on him longer than they should.

He kept his attention to the outside, the whole way, till his house and yard came into sight. He was back home finally.

Mark halted the car right in front of the house, where all the servants were waiting for them. He let Jinyoung get out of the car and then drove it to the garage to park it.

"Welcome back home, young master," said Seonhwa, her voice full of joy. The others were also all smiling, glad to see him all well and back home.

Jinyoung had expected this kind of reaction from them; yet it still amazed him that they were that warm to him when they had always showed only their fear to him before.

"It was a pity that we couldn't visit you often at the hospital. But of course, Mark could not take us all there, often. At least, he kept us informed about your condition," said Seonhwa, "We thought you'd left us forever when there were the plane crash news."

Her voice cracked and she was already wiping her tears. Jinyoung reached for her shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

"I'm well now. I know you all are concerned about me. And thank you for keeping the house and yard well in my absence. You did not disappoint me."

"You must want to rest now, young master. Your room has already been cleaned. We'll prepare something for you to eat."

"Let him rest," Mark said, walking to them, "But don't bother about preparing food. Leave it to me."

Seonhwa nodded knowingly and dismissed the others, while she accompanied Jinyoung up the stairs and to his room.

After they had been out of sight, Mark headed straight for the kitchen. He wasted no time and got down to making soup. Cooking, this was one thing that had fascinated him while Jinyoung had been still in the coma.

"Vegetable soup?" Seonhwa asked.

He had not even heard her entering the kitchen, as he had been immersed in his cooking process.

"Yes. Is he in the room now?"

"On bed. He said he was not hungry but he should eat something. It is lunch time already."

"I'll bring this to him."

Mark tried to finish it as soon as possible and then putting the soup bowl and some tissues on the tray, he made his way to Jinyoung's room.

The door was not locked but Mark gave it a knock anyway.

"Come in."

Mark opened the door quietly and his eyes fell on Jinyoung's lying figure on the bed.

"Jinyoung?" Mark continued his way to the bed and placed the tray on the bedside table. "Here's the soup. I made it."

"I don't want to eat anything," Jinyoung murmured, with his eyes closed, "Just leave it there. I'll have it when I'm hungry."

Mark took the chair before the bedside table and brought it closer to the bed, so that he could be seated near Jinyoung.

"I can't leave it, Jinyoung. You need to take the medicine, after filling your stomach. So you've to eat something now."

Jinyoung neither made a reply nor moved. Mark tried again, "Jinyoung, get up and eat now, please. It's already noon. I'm going to be here till you finish it."

Jinyoung sat up at last but it was obvious that he was starting to get annoyed. Mark reached for the tray before Jinyoung could and stirred the soup with the spoon, before scooping it up and cooling it down.

"Let me feed you."

"No need. Just give it to me."

"I know you're not patient enough to cool it down. What if you burned your tongue?"

"Then let Seonhwa do it instead. Not you."

"What's wrong with me doing it? Come on, open your mouth."

Jinyoung looked at Mark incredulously but the latter looked serious and persistent.

"I don't know what's the matter with you," Jinyoung muttered.

But he was already giving in and letting Mark feed him. Mark took time and made sure every scoop had been cooled down enough before bringing it to Jinyoung's mouth.

"This is what you do to someone ill?" asked Jinyoung.

"I can't let you eat it yourself and then burn yourself, because you're still weak. Here, the last one."

Jinyoung opened his mouth and had the last spoonful. Mark was watching him and then grabbed a tissue to wipe his mouth.

Mark's eyes were steady on the tissue and Jinyoung's lips, causing Jinyoung to shift in uneasiness. The latter snatched the tissue from Mark's hand, snapping his attention.

"I can do it myself," Jinyoung said, wiping his lips himself, "Where's the medicine?"

"Ah? Medicine? Right, downstairs. I'll get back here shortly."

Mark got up immediately and hastened his way out of the room, with the tray in his hand. Jinyoung watched him leave and then felt his cheeks, afraid that they might be red.

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