Chapter 15

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The car was pulled up at the car park of the hotel. Mark got out of the car first, and before Jinyoung could, Mark hastened to his side, to open the door for him.

"That's unnecessary," said Jinyoung, with a chuckle, while getting out of the car.

"But you like it."

Mark dropped a quick kiss on Jinyoung's lips and then interlaced their fingers. They were here for the company dinner party - but more like the welcome party for the CEO, who was going to be back to work in a few days.

"I'm quite nervous," Jinyoung muttered, while they were on the way to the rooftop, where the party was. "It's been such a long time. I feel like meeting them for the first time."

"They're actually glad that you'll be back, soon. It'll be fine."

Mark's presence soothed Jinyoung but the worry was still there. He had not been familiar with the staff even before his long absence. And the feeling that they had never liked him as they had done his father, and they would never, clinged to him.

When they arrived at the rooftop, a sight of colourful lights, tables scattered around, a bar, the calm music and the people moving around and chatting with one another, welcomed them.

They were noticed at once and Ms. Yoon and a few managers hurried to them, with the wine glasses in their hands.

"You're back, boss!" Ms. Yoon exclaimed. She seemed to be much more comfortable in a dress, which was not the company uniform.

The managers bowed and shook hands with Jinyoung, saying that it was a relief to have him back and reassuring him that everything was going well at the company.

Jinyoung thanked them, sincerely, while it hit him that they all were his responsibility and he shouldn't anymore dodge it.

Ms. Yoon, then, led him and Mark to her table, a little far from the bar but from which the view of the city could be seen clearly.

No one seemed to be drunk, probably because it was still early. Ms. Yoon chatted with them, but their conversation was flowing more into random things than the company stuff. She talked about her family, some of adventures and misadventures in her life, making them sound like just some silly jokes. The more Jinyoung laughed along with her, the more he came to see her as an older sister, rather than his secretary.

Once in a while, the company staff would come to greet him, before moving back to their own group. When Ms. Yoon left the table and headed for the bar, to bring more wine and barbecue to the table, Mark gave his hand a squeeze, causing him to turn his eyes to him.

"You look much more comfortable than I expected, Jinyoung. Are you enjoying it?"

"They're nice. They welcome me so warmly," Jinyoung said, "But you know, because of you, I've come this far. In the future as well, guide me as you always did."

"That'll be my pleasure," said Mark, his thumb running over the back of Jinyoung's hand.

After a moment, Ms. Yoon came back to the table, with the waiter following her, with the food tray in his hands. He placed the foot plates on the table and then left.

"Don't you want to dance, boss? With Mark, perhaps? The music can be changed."

"Dance? Only the two of us? That'll look awkward," said Jinyoung, glancing at Mark.

"Actually, they want to dance. But because it's your welcome party, they're like waiting for you to take the initiative," she said.

"Let's go, Jinyoung. It seems once we start, they'll follow," said Mark, tugging Jinyoung's hand.

Jinyoung did not argue anymore and let Mark lead him to the spare area, free of tables. Yet it felt quite strange to start dancing in front of his employees.

He felt their eyes on them and if not for the ongoing music, it would've been deadly silence. But once Mark grasped his waist and began swaying, a round of applause boomed out.

Jinyoung almost hid his face in Mark's shoulder, out of embarrassment, but instead, he kept his eyes steady on Mark's and it started to feel alright again.

Jinyoung threw his hands around Mark's shoulders and moved along to the music.

It did not take long before the others joined them, only a few remaining at the tables.

"I've never danced with a guy, before. It's the first but I like it so much," said Mark, with a chuckle.

"For me though, multiple times. But none of them could come close to this. They were all wild and crazy. But now the atmosphere is so different but so good."

The waiters went around and offered the wine and whisky shots. Both Jinyoung and Mark could choose wine only, as Mark had to drive home and Jinyoung did not want to get drunk alone.

The party went well and when everyone parted, it was already midnight. Jinyoung and Mark were among the last people to leave.

When they were back to the car park and to the car, Mark opened the car door for Jinyoung, like the previous time.

"Are you going to do this every single time we get into the car?" Jinyoung asked, with a laugh.


After they had been seated inside the car, Jinyoung reached for Mark's hand, which was going to start the engine, and held it tightly.

"Thank you, Mark. Now I see why my father trusted you so much and asked you to lead me. I'm just nothing without you."

"No, Jinyoung, you're more capable than you think."

"Only because you're here, I'm that much capable."

Mark yanked Jinyoung's hand and took Jinyoung's seatbelt off so that Jinyoung could fall into his arms. His hand holding Jinyoung's nape and his lips grazing Jinyoung's.

"I love you," Mark murmured, his lips moving over Jinyoung's, "I don't want you to feel insecured. You'll find out how much more you're able to do, soon enough."

Jinyoung seemed to be going to say something, maybe to protest or to thank Mark again or anything; but Mark did not wait for any of it. He swallowed all of Jinyoung's words and sealed his lips. Jinyoung reacted to the touch instantly and ran his hands through Mark's hair. Their lips and tongues got along well, as usual, and never getting tired of each other.

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