Chapter 4: The Old And The New Stiles Stilinski

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Scott walked down the halls of Beacon Hills High School, hoping beyond all hopes that Stiles wouldn't be in any of his classes. So far he wasn't, but the day still wasn't over, and Scott really didn't want to see his former best friend still hurt about what he had accused him of so long ago.     
     As Scott walked into Coaches class, his heart sank at the sight of Stiles sitting in the back row. The brown eyed boy looked up from his phone to rest his eyes on Scott. Anyone remotely human could feel the tension between the former friends as gazes locked and breaths hitched. Stiles rolled his eyes and pointed to the empty seat beside him.
"Hey, McCall. You just gonna stand there like an idiot? Or are you gonna grow a pair and take a seat?" Scott was shocked at Stiles comment, but snapped out of his trance, and took the seat next to Stiles. Silence was the only sound that could be heard for long moments as Coach was coming in late, again. So Scott took the opportunity to try and get some answers from his former friend.
"Stiles?" The boy in the leather jacket didn't even stir at the name and continued to look dead ahead waiting for coach to walk through the door. Scott leaned closer to Stiles, and continued to try and get his attention. "Stiles?" Stiles whipped around frustrated with his former friend.
"Look, I don't know what your problem is McCall, but my name's Thomas, and I suggest you get it right, unless you wanna find yourself in a well filled with wolfsbane." Scott wasn't expecting that kind of an outburst, but the message was received and he retracted his efforts of getting some answers.
    When the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Stiles, or Thomas, tried to get away from Scott as quickly as possible, so the true alpha werewolf wouldn't ask any questions that the former Stiles couldn't answer. Unfortunately Thomas' attempts failed and he felt a hand wrap around his four arm.
     "Stiles, please! I know the real you is in there somewhere. Just talk to me!" Thomas's blood actually began to boil at Scott's comment. Sure, he got over Scott's betrayal and eventually forgave him, but did he really think that he'd ever want to go back to being that skinny, pathetic, defenseless human, who allowed a mass murdering demon inside his head? Or allow that creep Gerard to grab him for leverage? Of course he knew he could've prevented things like that form happening but if he had, his cover would have been compromised. And the same mishap with Donovan, how could Scott not know how bad he felt about what he had to do? But there was one thing he knew for sure, he never wanted to be Stiles Stilinski ever again. And he was gonna get that into Scott McCall's thick skull.
     "Scott! Just shut up! The Stiles you knew is dead! I killed him the moment he was kicked out of the true alpha werewolf's pack! You really think I wanted to kill Donovan? Huh? I had no choice. My whole life was a lie Scott! I was never able to be myself! My Pack and my Powers are the real me Scott McCall." Thomas gently grabbed Scott's arm and removed it from his own. "I'm sorry McCall, but your best friend since grade school, he's gone. And he's never coming back." Scott watched as Stiles walked out of the building heading to god knows where, with tears threatening to fall from Scott's eyes. What do you mean you had no choice Stiles? What were you caught up in?

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