Mal - Jay

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Maleficent shouts at a 4-year-old Mal who sat curled up in a corner of the room. A tear streaming down her bruised cheek. This was not the first time her mother hit her. It happened quite often still the little girl loved her mother she knew her mom loved her back just in her own way. "Mal. Mal! Listen to me you little brat." Ones again she got her mother's hand in her tiny face. "s..sorry mommy." She wiped away the tear and looked down. "Stand up." Maleficent sad in a voice that just gives you chills. Mal did not hesitate and did what her mom told her. "Mal go to your room and no food for the next 3 days." She just nods and started walking to her room not looking up from the floor. She opened the door to her room and climbed in her bed she closed her eyes and was thinking 'It will all be over when you wake up.' Still, she knew that it was not true it was not going to be over but it was a nice thought. That is what she lived by every day.

--- A year later ---

A small boy was running through the streets of the aisle. As fast as he could he jumps on a couple of boxes to climb up a building. He is only 5 years and knows every single roof on the aisle. This was his home. Sometimes at night, he just lays on the roofs looking through the dome at the stars that was just relief. However, it was not dark yet but it soon will be so he needed to get home and bring his father al the stolen stuff. He jumps over the roofs to get home as fast as possible. Ones he gets home he just hopes his dad is not drunk or in a bad mood. In less than 3minutes, he gets home. As quiet as possible he opens the door that leads to the shop. He places the items he got on the shelves. And walks quietly to the living room. 'Thank the lamp he is asleep.' He thinks. As he sees his father in his chair asleep snoring. It looks quite cute the little boy thinks he wants to hug his father but that is not the best idea. Jay was tired he went to lay down in front of the fireplace on his carpet. It was cold but that was fine for him. In a matter of seconds, he fell asleep happy that his dad did not beat him up for coming home late.

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