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The loud noise of the crowds could be heard from Noelle's current position, as they clapped their hands to some speech in which Noelle did not bother about all that much. Noelle was on an important assignment for Shield, Fury had explained the issue between about the latest enemy to Shield his name? Spider-Man.

As a fugitive from which the guy had managed to infiltrate Stark Industries' latest technology and hack into the database of Shield Syphering highly confidential information that could potentially ruin the entirety of Shield So, Noelle was sent in. Assumingly, the culprit known as 'Spider-Man' was to be here tonight, or so Fury had told her.

"Stick to the mission."

"Don't get distracted."

"Always be on guard for anything."

"He could be anywhere."

Fury had been somewhat the closest she had to family, and the possible chance for Fury to be locked up, or worse exposed of his past which no one knew, that was to be compared as bad as death itself to her.

That's why, Noelle felt, is why she was sent in instead of the others. Although she did have 'some' backup, there were only but several bodyguard-like men and her. Noelle was the only one wearing a dress, but then again, she had to look the part. Her black cocktail dress hung tightly around her curves as its back held a small train of lace patterns. The dress had an off the shoulders look, as its sleeves were placed on her arms, and although they would seem to be 'restricting' they had been designed to stretch if needed.

One thing she did like about Shield was how far they were willing to go for a single mission, their determination was one thing, but their finance was another. Noelle always wondered what funded the equipment they had, with such high technology, the intelligence it held. It always astounded her.

"I'm in," Noelle told the hidden earpiece, which she was to carry to ensure the success of the mission.

Now that she had walked through the doors of the event, it was the endgame, it was now or never and she HAD to make sure the plan was carried out to it fullest otherwise all was lost. Her deep green eyes analysed the room for any sign of presence which she came back as false, Noelle found herself walking over to the large bar across the ballroom, her heels clicking against the floor.

As she reached the bar she sat down. Ushering the bartender to bring her a cocktail, which the bartender nodded in response as they began to make her drink. Whilst she waited for her drink she checked her watches time which read '7:43.' Noelle turned her head towards the crowds of guests beginning to dance to the music that had only begun playing, partners and dates had begun settling into the dancefloor to begin the evenings' waltz. As Noelle looked back towards the bar to find the bartender gone, she furrowed her eyebrows in suspicion, thinking to report this in the earpiece but before Noelle could do that, she's caught off guard by a strong grasp of her right upper arm.

About to attack the opponent she stopped once she glanced at him. His features were the single most complex yet beautifully crafted she'd seen. His jaw looked like it could cut anything, his gelled hair messed only a little as of though he had run his hands through it. Once they'd reached the dancefloor the young and attractive man looked down at her, his deep and strong brown eyes studied her, however, they softened as he smiled.

"I apologise for my harsh actions; however, I was being chased by the unwanted date I brought tonight," His deepened voice spoke out, catching her almost off guard once more. How could a man of thrown her so off guard? She had been trained for this particular thing?

Though her trance was broken by her earpiece talking, "Royce? Are you there? What happened?"
Which brought her right back into her mission, she smiled, however, "I'm fine, It's fine."

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