90 8 9

Word count: 1,400

a/n: so sorry i have been extremely slow at updating this chapter, i'm 3/4 way through senior year and priorities of course!! that and i couldn't find a way to write because of stress, enjoy the chapter haha!! - chels


~ Noelle

Noelle sat in a field of daisies as she felt her dark auburn hair flow against the soft and cool wind. Her eyes drifted across that of which lied in front of her and what she seemed to be sitting on; a checkered black and white blanket.

"Elle, are you listening?" A voice interrupted her.

Noelle turned her head to spot Peter, with his long legs sprawled next to her, as she noticed both her hand and his had linked together. She had been uncertain of how she had ended up here, or that of which she did not remember why she had been here-- and in an almost intimate position with Peter.

"What, sorry?" Her soft voice answered back, watching his doe-like brown eyes gleam with admiration, "What were you speaking about, Peter?"

"I was asking you if you liked the meal I made?" Peter sheepishly smiled, "I-I usually am not really much of a cooker, but I really wanted to make this special for you." Noelle felt her hand lift up as she watched Peter raise it towards his lips, softly hovering over it before pressing his soft lips against it.

"O-oh yes, it was fine Peter.." Noelle stammered, her heart raced at the tingles of which he had caused by Peter's recent action.

She watched as he softly smirked at her, leaning closer towards her face he lifted up his free hand and brushed aside a piece of her hair behind her ear, "You are so very beautiful, Sweetheart," Peter whispered in her ear.

Noelle instinctively blushed, "I am?"

"I could have over several thousand flower fields in front of me, and you would still be the most beautiful thing to me."

Her heart pounded as Peter leaned into her, pressing his lips tenderly against hers.

Noelle would be lying if she said she did not enjoy this, the feeling that Peter had been giving her. She wasn't sure how exactly she had gotten here but she felts as if she never wanted to leave. Pulling away Peter looked into her eyes, by now she knew her heart had already melted, "You need to wake up," he whispered.

Noelle furrowed her eyebrows, confused on what he had been saying, however, she noticed the field began to leave her view as she had been left with just Peter.

"Peter, what's happening?" Noelle's voice shook, looking around hastily at all but darkness. Though Peter had not responded to her, as his voice began darkening, she watched in shock as his body began fading-- into dust she watched as he spoke once more, "You have to wake up, Noelle."

A gasp of shock woke Noelle up as she hastily sat up from her position on her bed. Looking around her room, she hadn't noticed Penelope next to her bed, "Noelle, you have to wake up, it's already eleven in the morning and I am tired of you and Peter avoiding each other."

Noelle groaned as she heard his name, "Seriously, you wake me up because of that?" Scowling at Penelope she rubbed her eyes.

It had been a good two weeks that the pair had avoided each other. A week, since they had even spoken a word to each other and Noelle, had been bitter at his actions- since she left him in the kitchen alone to think about his actions. She was adamant in the result of avoiding him would work best for her, she was not aware it did not work so well for Penelope.

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