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Molten's pov~

I opened my eye to the feeling of something moving. I looked down only to see, Bryan starting to wake up. At first I was confused, but then I remembered what had happened the previous day and felt really happy. "mmm Molten?" Bryan asked, he looked really tired. "Yeah?" I asked "What time is it?" he asked. Judging from his expression, he didn't want to get up. I checked the time, and we were about to close. When I told Bryan he snuggled closer and said "Well I guess I'm sleeping over". I decided to take the opportunity and held Bryan close, and we cuddled. Pretty soon, he was fast asleep again, and I got a call from Springtrap. "Molten, what happened with Bryan?" Springtrap asked "What do you mean?" I asked "I saw you all come out of the portal, and I saw YOU carrying BRYAN!" CRAP I forgot he watches the camera's "Oh that, well we went to minigames, and Bryan fell asleep. When we got back, we were about to open so I just took him into the vents." I honestly never thought I'd lie to Springtrap before, but he hates Bryan. "hmmm Okay that makes sense with his standards." he said. "Well I have to go now, talk to you in a bit." Springtrap said before he hung up. I hadn't noticed until he hung up, that me talking had woken up Bryan. "Who was that?" he asked grumpy from waking up. "That was just Springtrap." I said grabbing Bryan and hugging him, he didn't say anything really, just nodded and hugged back and snuggled into me...He is going to kill me with his cuteness. We just lyed there cuddling until we heard (*CRASH* "OW WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST HIT?!?!?!") come from the portal room. When we checked it out, it was X and Black Flame.


Bryan's pov~

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Bryan's pov~

Molten and I heard a noise from the portal room, and when we checked it out it was X and Black Flame! "Black Flame, your tail's on fire." X said, as soon as she pointed it ou, Blacky started to flip and Molten grabbed the extinguisher and the fire was killed. "So what's up guys?" I asked kinda spooked. "We wanted to check out your world, so we had a quick battle and came here." X said. "Plus I need to give Lefty something." Black Flame said. "Well we've just closed, so I guess it's ok." Molten said. "BUT FIRST LET'S PATCH YOU BOTH UP!" I loudly said as I grabbed them and led them to the medical stations. I patched them up as best I could and X kept saying it was 'fine' and that they'd 'walk it off' but they were banged up too badly to ignore. "What kind of battle did you even have?" I asked "Well, there were some shapeshifters battling X for dominance and territory, and I helped because I was bored out of my mind." Black Flame answered "Wait, what happened to them?" Molten asked, clearly intrigued by the possability of violence. "I beat them into the ground obviously." X said smiling a bit "Blacky over here also gave them a series of burns." she said pointing to Black Flame, "I already like the sound of that." Molten said creepily smiling, which made me shiver. "Soooooo, where's Lefty?" Black Flame asked. "Did someone say my name?" Lefty asked standing behind me, he scared the crap out of me so I screamed. "Woah, sorry Bryan. Didn't mean to scare you." Lefty said "LEFTY, I GOT THA PACKAGE, RUN!" Black Flame said as she threw a box with some things in it to Lefty and booked it to the portal. Lefty caught the box and also booked it for the portal followed by X. Molten must have caught a glimpse of what was in it cause he chased after them. I didn't want to be alone so I followed. We landed in a hide and seek map and Lefty said "Molten let's make a deal, if you can find where our shipping shrine it, you can have what's in the box, deal?" "Deal!" Molten said. "Well since I'm not going to risk you guys finding the shrine, I'm gonna stay by it the whole time!" X said 

fast forward a few rounds

"I FOUND IT!" I screamed while in shock, blushing like a human tomato. Once Molten got to where X, the shrine, and I were he was mad. "YOU WERE WATCHING?!?!?!" Molten yelled "Yup." X said with a smirk. Lefty, although sad, gave Molten the box as promised. When molten looked in the box, he immediately closed it, and put it in his suit and said "Bryan, we're leaving." I didn't want to annoy him further, so I just obeyed. We went back to the pizzeria and I was about to go home when Molten teleported me into the vents, which felt disorienting. While I was getting my sense of direction back, Molten pulled me into a hug and we sat on the floor. I don't know how, but Molten's really comfy, like a pillow. I started to doze off feeling cozy and warm.

Molten's pov~

Bryan fell asleep and cuddled into me more. 'I hope he never has to see the fanart that was in that box. But until then, I'll just enjoy the moment, maybe I'll read his file later or something.' I thought, but decided to get back to cuddling Bryan, and somehow, I dozed off, even though I don't sleep.

TBC hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll be sure to continue soon

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