The secret

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Bryan's POV~

When we landed back at the pizzeria I was dizzy and could barely stand. As soon as I could see straight, I noticed everyone had a weird look on their face. "What's wrong guys?" I asked. "What happened in mini games?" Helpy asked me, I honestly couldn't remember. And whenever I tried to remember my head started to hurt. "I don't know what you're talking about." I said confused. They all exchanged a look, and then looked at me again. "You should go home Bryan." Springtrap said. "Okay... Bye guys!" I said as I left.

Molten's POV~

As soon as Bryan was gone, I started a little search in the project files to see if I could find anything useful. Much to my dismay, there was nothing. I was frustrated and confused. 'Who was that person? And why did they look like a failed experiment?' Was all I could think. I guess I'll have to ask one of the other projects later, for now I'm gonna try to calm down.

Bryan's POV~

When I got home I saw X on the couch with the kids all watching cartoons. "Hey Bryan." X said calmly. "Hi." I said, still confused about earlier. "What's wrong Bryan?" X asked. I explained what I could recall, and X seemed angry at this. "Don't worry about it Bryan, I'm sure everything will be fine." X said, but I knew she was mad. I decided it was best to let it go.

X's POV~

This is bad. Starla is back. Who does she have on her side right now? Does Black Flame know anything about this? What to do, what to do! If she gets out again, who know how many lives will be lost!.... If you're confused, I can explain. A long time ago, Starla was locked up away from the other projects due to her influence on them. She killed a scientist.... One that may still be alive... Dr. Crimson, mine and Starla's father. He wasn't always bad. But one day Starla killed him. Considering his place in the rank of scientists, this was not taken lightly. So, in an attempt to keep the other projects under control, they locked her up. Next to Project M, and Project 3... I haven't seen or heard from them in years. But now Starla has returned, so I need to prepare everyone for anything.... If you're listening to this Starla, if you hurt any of my friends or family, I WILL KILL YOU!.... No matter what.......... Sister.......

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