4 • Overwhelming Outburst

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"Baby, what's wrong? Please let me in" Ash's tone softened as he heard the boy's cries through the door. Luke wondered if he could manipulate Ash, if he used pet names for him, maybe he would get his way, it was worth a try

"Ash-Da-Daddy, I-I don't wanna eat!!" His cries becoming somewhat of a tantrum, as his dummy fell to the ground. Ash almost melted into a puddle when he heard that name

"I know baby, I know. Let Daddy in and we can speak about it, okay baby?" Luke unlocked the door, laying himself on the ground and kicking his legs slightly. It was easy to act like this. Ash rushed in, looking over at the by who was kicking his legs around on the floor. Ash was shocked at how quick Luke had changed, 10 minutes ago he was squirming to be let down from being carried and now he was throwing tantrums. Luke now struggled to control this fake tantrum as it soon escalated into something that truly upset him, he didn't want to eat.

Ash crouched down slightly, cleaning off the discarded dummy, trying to place it in the crying boy's mouth, to soothe him. Soon enough, Luke's cries, grabbed the attention of Calum and Michael, as the both entered the room, looking as shocked as Ash was. "Woah woah Lukey, what's wrong?" Michael asked

"Daddy makin' me eat 'n' I don't wanna!" Luke wailed, moving his face away from the dummy which Ash held. Both men were taken back by the nickname, but soon smirked at Ash.

"Lukey, shh, you need to calm down. Look, you're all red and hot" Calum hushed.

Luke's cries quietened, as he breathed heavily, whimpering.

"Now, tell us, why don't you wanna eat? We know you're a hungry boy" Calum asked,  sitting on the edge of the bath tub, looking down at the sweaty boy. Luke sat up, shuffling himself over to Cal's legs and rested his head on the Kiwi's knees

"'cause, I-i don't wanna." Luke said, rubbing his eyes tiredly, Cal stroked the blonde's hair

"I think someone needs a nap, huh? Is that why you're so upset?" He suggested, scooping the man up into his lap, Luke sunk into his hold.  "Shall we get Mikey to make you a bottle? Then we can go a have a nap on the couch." Cal said, Michael got the message and went to make Luke a bottle of milk. Luke played with Cal's hoodie strings as he nodded, he could get used to this, if he carried on playing along "Ca-P-Papa, will you have a nap too?" he asked, focussing on the strings

Cal smiled at the nickname "I'm Papa, am I? Yes, we can have cuddles or you can cuddle with Daddy, or Mikey. Does Mikey have a name?"

"Dada". Luke was going to take advantage of the affection. "Sowwy Daddy, for bein' bad boy" Luke really played on his baby talk.

"It's okay, please don't lock yourself away if you're sad though. Daddy needs to know" Ash lectured. Cal carried Luke downstairs to the couch, where he sat on him on  his lap, Ash sat beside them. Mikey soon came in with a bottle of milk, Luke hadn't had milk since you was younger. Mikey passed the bottle to Cal, who pushed the nipple into Luke's mouth. Luke drunk the milk, despite how weird it felt.

"He calls you dada, Mike" Cal told Mikey as Luke's cheeks turned pinkish and turned to face Calum's chest more.
"Aw, thank you Lukey" Mikey appreciated the name, kissing the boy's forehead. Luke soon grew tired of the bottle, leaning his head away from it. Cal, retreated the bottle, sitting Luke up to make sure it had all gone down properly.
"Are you gonna nap on Papa, Daddy or Dada?" Calum questioned, noticing the boy's sleepy eyes, Luke didn't reply and just laid himself onto Calum's chest. Ash pulled out the dummy from his pocket, slipping it into Luke's mouth and also passing him a blanket they had bought for him; it was obviously designed for toddlers, due to it's size & the childish pattern, but Ash thought it would be cute for Luke to have as a comfort item.
Luke shifted, getting accustomed to the new objects and silently drifting into slumber.
"Sweet dreams, Lukey" Ash said, falling asleep himself.

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