Chapter Sixteen - Happy Endings?

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Chapter Sixteen – Happy Endings?

I gasped and dropped the letter to the floor before collapsing into a chair, tears blurring my vision. Gus knew? Four years? We became friends after that and she never told me? Oliver hid Gus in his basement for a week? That’s probably why he was so skinny. Millie knew he was there and that Oliver was going to frame Mason and she didn’t do anything. Did our friendship mean nothing? Was there even a friendship or have the last three and a half years of my life been a lie? What did she mean the poison kills you numerous times? Did she see Mason die the first time? Was she there? Suddenly I remembered the shadows; that was Millie, spying on our lives. I re-read the last two paragraphs of her terrifying letter, ‘Kills you numerous times, don’t think you’ll be there long,’ I had to get Mason help, now.

I stood and ran out of the room, my legs shaking so much it was a trouble to stand. I ran around the hospital like a manic receiving disapproving stares from adults, but I didn’t care, I needed to save Mason, I needed him to be a father to our baby. As I was running around looking for a nurse, a doctor, anyone, I realised that I loved Mason. I never thought I know what love felt like, but I was sure that I loved him. I got a new burst of energy fuelled by the need to tell Mason how I felt and I found a doctor and directed him towards the room, he walked briskly but I ran, reaching the room before him, I quickly whispered, “I love you” into the room and waited for a response. But all I heard was a flat line, it was too late.

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