Chapter 16: An Avian Chef

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"Landing sequence activated," Cappy announced. "We'll be on solid ground in a few seconds." 

He was met with an exclamation of "give me a minute, Luigi" from behind. Rolling his magenta eyes, he took a quick peek out the window. Compared to the faded warm tones in Bubblaine and the stark white of Shiveria, the Luncheon Kingdom was bright and inviting. Geometrical fruit littered the entire place, the neon-hued mountains taking on a similar form. Instead of water or lava or anything else that would make sense, the sea surrounding the many islands of Mount Volbono was a gleaming pink soup, its bright hue and constant bubbling warning others of its deadliness. 

"On the incredibly bright side, this kingdom doesn't look like it's in too much trouble. No giant monsters I can see or secret underground world with dinosaurs. On the slightly dimmer side, Bowser's ship is completely absent from here, so we definitely aren't going to be picking up the Princess now."

"Are you sure the ship isn't around? I can see... oh, it's just the Broodals." Mario sighed. "Again. Let's just get this over with."

Unlike every other Kingdom he had visited, the Odyssey had landed quite a distance from the main city. The young man started off on a path towards Peronza Plaza, the local town at Mount Volbono. Before he could even get that far, however, he was distracted by a few Goombas standing around. 

As they charged at him, the plumber flung his hat, and quickly took over one of the brown mushrooms, hopping on top of the other ones. Strangely, they didn't seem to be able to stomp each other, instead forming a stack. The new ability didn't interest him quite as much as the height it gave him, allowing him to reach higher areas. A small platform on one side caught his attention, and the stack of Goombas rushed towards it, avoiding strange tomatoes and hopping over gaps - even running on a roll of corn like a mohawked clown walking on a ball.

Eventually, he did get to the platform. The mushroom he possessed hopped off the other three and walked around for a bit. His moment of peace was interrupted by the squeal of another Goomba, this one female and clearly lovestruck. Mario, on the other hand, was eyeing the cyan Moon she held. After accepting her gift, he slowly inched towards the edge of the platform and snuck away, leaving a highly confused Goomba and its new girlfriend behind. 

"Okay, now that was just cruel," his hat stated as the young man rushed away. 

"Who knows? Maybe we just helped it find the love of its life."

A small passage lay up ahead, steep platforms surrounding a little stream of soup. From within the bubbling pink liquid, a little ball of lava hopped in and out.

Cappy flew over and captured one of the little fireballs. "These Podoboos will come in useful."

"We call them Lava Bubbles where I'm from," the mustachioed creature replied to an irritated hmph. He quickly swam across the soup and hopped out onto solid land once again. The Broodals' ship hovered a short distance away, the three bunnies glaring down at him... wait, three? Where's the tall one?

Mario stepped up to a rectangular chunk of land, a perfect arena for the battle would soon follow. From atop the deck, Harriet sneered down at him. "Oh, so I guess mister Lanceur wasn't enough to take you down. How unfortunate. Rango would've loved to see your demise at the Dauphin's eight limbs."

"We've got da stew already," Topper remarked. "Dis stuff may not be in its final stages, but I think we can do with a little improv from time to time. Besides, we should leave da bird alone while it finishes da stuff."

"Bird?" the Bonneter echoed. 

"Ah, who cares? Let's just stomp the guy and get it over with. Oh, and take care of Rango while I'm not around, okay guys?" Spewart hopped off the ship, red hair flaring out behind him. The blonde gave him a nod and steered the ship away, cackling madly. 

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