[Where are you..?] Chapter 4

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Oikawa still was stubborn on talking. Leaving the rest of the team to be irritated with him, isn't that ironic though?

They were always annoyed when he teased, joked and cheered for them. But now they were more irritated than ever to not hear the other speak.

"Oikawa clean up once you're done practicing" Hanamaki told Tooru while walking out the gym "you should speak more often" he paused and looked at the captain "it suits you more than being a mute"

Oikawa lifted a brow and then smiled back at Hanamaki, little did he know that the reason why he wasn't talking was because he wanted to speak his mind once Iwaizumi was back. The first thing he would say to him would be "I like you, go out with me Iwa-chan"

No longer feeling like holding back on his feelings towards the other male, he couldn't wait to see him again. Being in denial on the fact that he might certainly not be alive at the moment.

Gazing at the volleyball in front of him, he picks it up and places it back where it belongs.

Where could you be Iwaizumi?

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