[I'll do whatever] Chapter 5

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Apparently the police went to check Iwaizumi's parents home Oikawa typed on his phone to his two friends in front of him they checked everywhere and found nothing.

"I mean what can you expect?" Matsukawa munches on his lunch "of course they wouldn't find anything, it's his parents house"

"What if he's still in the house and they haven't searched the right places?" Hanamaki chimes in leaving the others to exchange glances.

Conspiracies, Makki Oikawa noted but why?

Both friends shrug, making Tooru sigh in defeat. I'm not coming to practice today, my mom wants to talk to me.

"Yikes" Hanamaki responds "good luck with that"

"Must be about—ow!" Hanamaki kicks Matsukawa under the desk "y—yeah good luck with your mom haha"

Oikawa lifts a brow but then stands up from his chair and waves at the two.

The captain opens the door to his home. The eerie feeling of loneliness lingers in the home. Oikawa slides into the kitchen scanning around trying to find his mother.

"There you are" his mother comes from behind, making Tooru jump.

"I guess this is where you're like 'hi mom'" Tooru stares at the ground, swaying side to side "when are you ever going to speak to me? Or your friends? It's been a few months Tooru"

"He might not come back—" Oikawa slams his bag on the floor making a loud noise. His mother sighs and sits on a nearby chair that's next to the dinning table.

"Look, how do you think your friends feel? How do you think I feel? You're not the only one suffering" she adds "you're being selfish, we all are going through a rough time and you being stubborn isn't helping anyone"

Oikawa clenches his fist and his eyes started to sting.

"You know you should start speaking before you lose that voice for good" Oikawa's mom closes her eyes, feeling her son glare at her "I spoke to his mom on the phone"

Oikawa snaps his head with wide eyes, his mom lips curl "Yeah I know what you're thinking, but I haven't seen her at the house for a long time, I know that you search for Iwaizumi" she paused "I decided to find where his mother had been this entire time, apparently she's going through a divorce with her husband"

"She doesn't know about his disappearance, I know this because she never mentioned him at all to me I thought she would at least sound worried once. Odd huh? The reason being her getting busy on the papers for divorce and custody of the kid" She finally opens her eyes, seeing Oikawa giving his full attention to her "no I didn't tell her about the disappearance"

Tooru frowns twiddling with his thumbs "because you're going to tell her yourself" Oikawa tilts his head how? He couldn't speak on the phone, he was basically mute.

"I'll send you the address to her hotel, she's been there for a while, maybe this can help you move on or something" his mother writes down a address "it's pretty close so you can walk there"

Oikawa takes the sheet and grins, hugging his mom "I just want to hear your voice again, and stop seeing you be a moody teenager"

Tooru repeatedly nods his head, running out the door.

"Wow teenage love" his mother laughs "you really would do anything for your childhood friend"


So apparently it's grand king for oikawa and great king for kageyama and I—

*exits the chat*

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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