What am I doing? Part 2

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Betrayal. That was the first emotion I saw cross his face. I did that, I caused this. Whatever he says now, I know I'll deserve this.

"You cheated on me with my best friend?" Is all he manages to say, but tears start to fill his eyes as he processes the news. "Why? Why my best friend?"

"I-I don't know, I-"

"You don't know?" He scoffs and he brings his hands up to his hair, running his hands through it and pulling hard at the strands. "Do you know how shitty that makes me feel? To know that while I thought you and I were happily together, you've been sneaking off behind my back to hook up with Joe? What did I do to make you do this?"

I can't help it. Tears start coming down my cheeks uncontrollably but I know I don't deserve to feel this way. "You did nothing, Ben. You were always so kind and loving a-and perfect towards me."

"Then why?" He shouts, snapping at me, making me flinch.

"Hey, mate. Maybe you should calm down a little." Joe says as he walks through the front door and Ben turns on him angrily.

"You of all people do not get to tell me to calm down. How about you tell me why you decided to sleep with my fucking girlfriend, Joe?"

"I don't think either of us meant for this to happen." Joe tries to defend.

"Oh, so you just happened to slip your dick inside of her, purely by accident?" Ben takes a deep breath. "You know what? I'm leaving, but when I get back Y/N, since you decided to sleep around, you can pack up your shit and leave, stay at his place for all I care, but I want you gone. And to think I was looking at engagement rings." With that, he storms out of the house, slamming the door behind him, and I let out a sob.

"Come on love." Joe says, wrapping an arm around me comfortingly. "I'll help you pack."


Since the confession to Ben, I haven't been in contact with him and neither has Joe. I feel absolutely awful for being the one to split their friendship. Especially since that was a month ago and Joe and I have still been dating.

To say that it's been a rocky month is an understatement. While Joe and I do have our good moments; like our romantic dates and our lighthearted jokes, most of our time together ends up in heated arguments. And it seems as tonight is no exception.

"Where have you been?" Joe asks me as soon as I step in the door.

"Sorry, Joe. I was just at work, they just had me working late." I say, not thinking anything of his comment.

"Really?" He says, voice hard and his facial expressions tight. "Is that right? So you didn't stay behind to see another guy, did you?"

"You think I'm cheating on you?" I look at him shocked and hurt as I take a step back from him. "That's not fair?"

"How is that not fair, huh? That's exactly how you and I started up together."

"Yeah, and look how big of a mistake that turned out to be." I snap back. "I can't believe you would think I would cheat on you. Believe it or not, Joe, I don't go around spreading my legs to every guy who get a hard on!"

"And how would I know your telling the truth?" He counters

"By trusting me!"

"Well, that's the thing, I don't trust you."

"Well, maybe we should break up then." I shout without realizing it, making the both of us fall silent. The more I think about breaking up with Joe, the more I believe it's a good idea. "Lets face it. It was never going to work between us, not with how we started. I mean, how can it work if we don't even trust one another?" There is silence for a while, before Joe nods and speaks up.

"Your right, it won't work. So, lets just end it now so we can move on." Joe holds out his hand which I instantly take and we shake on it.

"Lets move on."


That was honestly the best decision I had made in a long time. It has been three months and Joe and I decided. It's best not to contact each other anymore, to give each other a clean slate. According to the social media news, Joe and Ben have rekindled their friendship, slowly growing stronger as they gain the trust back, which I couldn't be happier about.

I, on the other hand, have been focusing more on myself, to rebuild the self love and respect that I once had for myself by sorting out my mind and what really matters to me. I mean, if I was willing to cheat on a guy who was nothing but good to me and break up a great friendship in the process then I need some time to myself, to re-evaluate my mindset so I can be happy with myself and the life I'm living.

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